@jesdiverges: Being an autistic ADHDer is one of the most unique and paradoxical neurotypes out there. The ADHD half of us craves novelty and chaos, while the autistic half wants structure and predictability. ADHD is really social and wants do to all the things, but autism needs 4-5 business weeks to recover afterwards. Autism wants to create carefully curated and fool-proof systems and routines, but ADHD either gets bored and wants to change it or else forgets a crucial step every time. Have you ever dysregulated yourself due to your own impulsivity? Yeah, me too. It’s like being Goldilocks on steroids. So what do we do about it? Enter: The Combo Platter The Combo Platter is a community designed specifically for auDHDers, by an auDHDer. During my time as an auDHD coach helping clients understand and navigate their combo meals, two things stood out to me: 1. Every single autistic ADHDer has a totally unique set of strengths, needs, desires, values, experiences, and perspectives that is unlike any other human I’ve ever encountered and 2. We’ve all experienced nearly identical themes, patterns, cycles, and traumas throughout our lives that only another auDHDer can truly understand I set out to create a program that would honor our unique experiences and individual needs while also providing a sense of community, visibility, and belonging that so many of us have lacked throughout our lives, and the Combo Platter does exactly that. Here are some of the results you can expect as a community member: ✨ Feeling seen and heard as you actually are without having to mask or pretend ✨ Confidence to advocate for yourself and ask for the support you need, whether it’s a helping hand or a promotion at work ✨ Knowing when to remove toxic or otherwise harmful people from your life so you can save your energy for those who see, respect, and love you for who you are ✨ Cultivating more meaningful friendships and relationships, and deepening the connections in your current ones ✨ Reassuring that your career goals fulfill your passions and align with your values ✨ Making mistakes without beating yourself up and instead enjoying life as the big long learning process it actually is ✨ Finding a balance between your chaotic, multi-passionate, rambunctious ADHD side and your logical, analytical, structure-oriented autistic side When you join the Combo Platter, you’ll get access to bi-weekly group coaching calls with *no time limit.* You’ll also get to join our online community where you can connect with me and other members between calls, and our library of past coaching calls & workshops for auDHDers. Tiered pricing is available, from $5-$150 a month. Link in bio to learn more and sign up today → Caption: If you’re an auDHDer looking for support with unshaming your brain and living a more authentic, joyful life, my Combo Platter Community may be for you. Made for auDHDers by auDHDers, you’ll get access to our online community plus bi-weekly group coaching calls with *no time limit.* I stay until everyone has had space held, and questions answered. Tiered pricing available. Link in bio to learn more and sign up today →

AuDHD Coach Jes 🍉
AuDHD Coach Jes 🍉
Open In TikTok:
Region: US
Tuesday 16 April 2024 10:11:09 GMT




Frannayy :
I had to watch this three times before I could read the caption because I was busy reliving the commercial 😂 👋👋
2024-04-16 13:37:16
David Page :
A community just reached out to me. They are amazing!
2024-04-16 12:59:29
WeirdenSky :
lets be friends. we can hang out once a quarter and not feel guilty about it
2024-04-16 12:06:07
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