@cassscroggins: When all praise for moms is:👇🏻 1️⃣they never did anything for themselves 2️⃣they put up with so much crap 3️⃣they did everything for everyone all the time 4️⃣they gave up so much 6️⃣ and they did it all without complaining Then we start to corrilate that those things are the qualifying factors of a “good mom”. So as soon as a mom has an interest outside of motherhood, or she does incorporate things for herself, or she does talk openly about the hardships of motherhood, society gets uncomfy. Thinking “that’s not what a mom should do”. The goal of motherhood shouldn’t be to give up everything you are, or become invisible. @katharinaasiena and @auntiekilljoy ‘s videos on tiktok inspired this video talking about this exact thing! #momssupportmoms #momsempoweringmoms #momsupport #motherhoodlife #momlifebelike #momconfessions #maternalmentalhealth #momsmentalhealth #momstruggle #momsofinstagram #momappreciation