@garibaldiarts: So how and why did this painting sell for over $100k… And how did many other paintings like it raise a combined $1 million for charity… on my last tour??? There are ✌🏼 major factors 💎 The price is affected by 1️⃣ What you CAN’T control 2️⃣ What you CAN control I will break both down below, and then, Share your thoughts in the comments. 1️⃣ What I can’t control - Who shows up to auction - Is my art appreciated by new people - The auctioneer or auction process - That collectors just aren’t ready to collect 2️⃣ What I can control - Produce my highest quality work - Curate the presentation conditions - Introduce myself to new audience - Build my brand value before I show up Each of these can be broken down But the important part is knowing there is a lot you can’t control. Incan break down every part of this, but it’s worth taking the time to learn and grow to understand how all these affect the final art sale. I’m teaching a FREE MASTERCLASS APRIL 20th, 11 am PST that teaches several of these topics and how to attract the best collectors Comment ‘MASTERCLASS’ below 👇🏼 and I’ll DM you the link to sign up! #artmarketing #artsales #artadvice #performancepainting #speedpainter