Its such a hard moment, even as someone who doesn’t have kids, I can understand the feeling of wanting them to stay little for just a while longer 🥺🥺🥺
2024-04-22 23:52:57
Tunde :
i know how you feel
2024-04-22 15:13:01
jess_mainxx11 :
I’m older and I still have my dolls 💀
2024-04-25 15:31:56
Jennifer Maccarone P :
I so get it! When my daughter packed up her American girls I bawled and bawled. She is 16 now and it still hits me hard!
2024-04-22 01:18:18
Nataliemamabear :
They grow up fast. I have a 18 and a 20 year old. Soak every moment you can
2024-04-22 01:02:01
alma ♡ :
aww 🥺. remember that they’ll always be a kid at heart! i recently went back and unpacked my kids toys at the age of 21.
2024-04-22 01:08:27
makenna.hill2018 :
You made me cry with you 😭💕
2024-04-22 01:07:44
Amy :
It’s ok to cry I totally understand my daughter is 17 and I wanna cry everyday cause things like this
2024-04-22 15:04:01
Devon 🪩❇️ :
Aw I remember when I packed my dolls away. It was hard, but you find new hobbies 💜
2024-04-22 03:13:00
Jennifer Maccarone P :
Sending you huge hugs! 💕
2024-04-22 01:18:41
Chels :
yes, cherish every minute. I played with my barbies til I was 12 & girls are getting younger and younger now.
2024-04-22 16:37:09
Chels :
I would have cried too. I did, my first baby is 16 now & my youngest is 4. It’s so hard when they grow up & now it happens faster
2024-04-22 16:36:08
itsme.gracyv :
its SO bittersweet 😢
2024-04-22 05:27:19
꧁W𝔼ภ𝔻꧂ :
They grow up so fast ❤️
2024-04-22 04:26:07
susanpid :
I still remember when my daughter packed up her Barbie’s … and her American girl dolls . It’s hard !!! And then this weekend we went on our first college visit ! Your right why do they have to grow up
2024-04-22 03:41:01
i played with my baby dolls til i was 13 then one dah i was like mom i think these dolls would make other little girls really happy so i gave them away for free ♥️
2024-04-22 02:02:57
Marianne :
Oh I feel this!! You’re raising. Great kid
2024-04-24 22:14:05
Goldengirl :
It makes me sad to see you cry. You and Maddie are so close. Every time I watch you brush her hair and fix her lunch I think about when she gets older
2024-04-23 20:06:13
Chels :
BUT I do have to say, the getting older, her growing into the teen phase is hard but it’s so fun once you navigate through everything. Don’t apologize for your tears. it’s not ridiculous all
2024-04-22 16:38:15
C H E Y E N N E :
Crying with you! It goes so quick
2024-04-22 12:20:18
Mary :
The day our superhero action figures went away was HARD. No more Ninja Turtles at my feet in the tub. Big hugs momma 🩷🩷
2024-04-22 12:15:32
tashanicole :
I would cry too 😭 they grow too fast!
2024-04-22 11:11:57
Melissa :
Keep them for her girls!
2024-04-22 06:08:17
LisaMarie :
I feel this so hard!!! My oldest daughter is 17 now and when she stopped playing with her little kid toys I bawled. Hugs Mama!!!
2024-04-22 05:46:06
its_A_P A T T E N :
It goes by way to fast ❤️
2024-04-22 04:35:08
Summer Mazzettia :
By 2029, I'll have three adult children. I keep thinking; "I'm not ready for it to be over."
2024-04-22 04:24:08
Michelle 🦋 :
Each little milestone of their childhood will do this. The doozy is becoming an empty nester. When all you knew to do is completed.
2024-04-22 04:19:51
Lisa :
You’re right life happens so fast I’ve noticed that too . I don’t like getting older .
2024-04-22 04:08:23
Della Lin Barr :
This made me cry 😢😭😭
2024-04-22 03:49:27
Della Lin Barr :
I feel this 😭💔
2024-04-22 03:48:28
user2327117795991 :
I’m not crying!
2024-04-22 03:16:35
Chelsea21price :
My 12 year old almost 13 will still play with her babies. Im hoping to hold on to that a little longer 💗 barbies left around 10 so sad
2024-04-22 03:02:35
mrsmartin292016 :
It’s so hard… I went from Barbie’s to lululemon. From spider man to Nike and underarmour it’s so sad I cried for weeks it’s still hard watching them grow up but you got this mama ❤️
2024-04-22 02:56:31
Susan South :
2024-04-22 01:59:29
_user234174 :
When I put my dolls up for the first time I got them back out a week later bc I missed them 😭
2024-04-22 01:48:47
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