@nobudgetbabe: People downplay the impact that money can have on their relationships, but the fact is 50% of marriages end in divorce and the leading reason is their finances. That's why I always say, marrying for love is great, but you should also be marrying for the life that you want. The best way to get the life you want? Start an open and honest dialog with your partner about your goals and how money can help you get there. Then increase your financial literacy TOGETHER!! The students I see have the biggest success with money are the ones who come through my program with their partner (if they have one). Because if you're not on the same page, you're going to have to work twice as hard to hit your goals due to all the ways a financially irresponsible partner holds you back. I'm here to help you start setting yourself up for the life you've always wanted, and make your partnership stronger in the process.