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Hanbin the GOAT  IB: @Daisuke...  #manhwa #manhwareccomendation #manga #mangarecommendation #anime #animerecommendations #manhwaedit #mangaedit #animeedit #sword #king #sword #survival #f #fyp #crashout  Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself, he was given the goal of surviving and growing stronger in a desolute world riddled with monsters. The problem is the 'Guideline' that was supposed to be his guiding system to survive is filled with errors.Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself, he was given the goal of surviving and growing stronger in a desolute world riddled with monsters. The problem is the 'Guideline' that was supposed to be his guiding system to survive is filled with errors.Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself, he was given the goal of surviving and growing stronger in a desolute world riddled with monsters. The problem is the 'Guideline' that was supposed to be his guiding system to survive is filled with errors.Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself, he was given the goal of surviving and growing stronger in a desolute world riddled with monsters. The problem is the 'Guideline' that was supposed to be his guiding system to survive is filled with errors.Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself, he was given the goal of surviving and growing stronger in a desolute world riddled with monsters. The problem is the 'Guideline' that was supposed to be his guiding system to survive is filled with errors.Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself, he was given the goal of surviving and growing stronger in a desolute world riddled with monsters. The problem is the 'Guideline' that was supposed to be his guiding system to survive is filled with errors.Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself, he was given the goal of surviving and growing stronger in a desolute world riddled with monsters. The problem is the 'Guideline' that was supposed to be his guiding system to survive is filled with errors.Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself, he was given the goal of surviving and growing stronger in a desolute world riddled with monsters. The problem is the 'Guideline' that was supposed to be his guiding system to survive is filled with errors.Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself, he was given the goal of surviving and growing stronger in a desolute world riddled with monsters. The problem is the 'Guideline' that was supposed to be his guiding system to survive is filled with errors.Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself, he was given the goal of surviving and growing stronger in a desolute world riddled with monsters. The problem is the 'Guideline' that was supposed to be his guiding system to survive is filled with errors.Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory
Hanbin the GOAT IB: @Daisuke... #manhwa #manhwareccomendation #manga #mangarecommendation #anime #animerecommendations #manhwaedit #mangaedit #animeedit #sword #king #sword #survival #f #fyp #crashout Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself, he was given the goal of surviving and growing stronger in a desolute world riddled with monsters. The problem is the 'Guideline' that was supposed to be his guiding system to survive is filled with errors.Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself, he was given the goal of surviving and growing stronger in a desolute world riddled with monsters. The problem is the 'Guideline' that was supposed to be his guiding system to survive is filled with errors.Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself, he was given the goal of surviving and growing stronger in a desolute world riddled with monsters. The problem is the 'Guideline' that was supposed to be his guiding system to survive is filled with errors.Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself, he was given the goal of surviving and growing stronger in a desolute world riddled with monsters. The problem is the 'Guideline' that was supposed to be his guiding system to survive is filled with errors.Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself, he was given the goal of surviving and growing stronger in a desolute world riddled with monsters. The problem is the 'Guideline' that was supposed to be his guiding system to survive is filled with errors.Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself, he was given the goal of surviving and growing stronger in a desolute world riddled with monsters. The problem is the 'Guideline' that was supposed to be his guiding system to survive is filled with errors.Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself, he was given the goal of surviving and growing stronger in a desolute world riddled with monsters. The problem is the 'Guideline' that was supposed to be his guiding system to survive is filled with errors.Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself, he was given the goal of surviving and growing stronger in a desolute world riddled with monsters. The problem is the 'Guideline' that was supposed to be his guiding system to survive is filled with errors.Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself, he was given the goal of surviving and growing stronger in a desolute world riddled with monsters. The problem is the 'Guideline' that was supposed to be his guiding system to survive is filled with errors.Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself, he was given the goal of surviving and growing stronger in a desolute world riddled with monsters. The problem is the 'Guideline' that was supposed to be his guiding system to survive is filled with errors.Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory
築58年! 空き家をアトリエに! 階段リノベ!壁ペイント編です✨ 『ターナーのJカラー』を使いました! ⁡ 壁紙、ビニール、モルタルなど 色々な場所に塗れ、 乾燥時間が早く、 ムラなく仕上がるの。 臭いもほとんどないし、 抗菌剤でカビの発生も 防止してくれるので、 気に入ってます🥰 ⁡ 色の種類もかなり豊富で、 なんと200色! 今回は、インディゴブルー を選びました✨ ⁡ どんなテイストにしようか迷ったけど、 今回は夜っぽい雰囲気にしたくて😚 ⁡ 塗料って、カタログで見るのと、 実際の色では、やはり少し相違があり、 届いた塗料を開けてみて、 ⁡ 『めっちゃブルーやん!!』 ⁡ って、びっくり😂 ⁡ かなり鮮やかなブルーですが、 階段はちょっと暗めなので これでOK🙆‍♀️ ⁡ まずは、階段の踏み面や 蹴込みに養生をして、 壁はしっかりと拭き掃除します! ⁡ 古い階段だから、 かなり角度が急なのと、 汚れが酷くて、 ペイントまでの準備だけで かなり時間がかかりました。 ⁡ 友達のくみちゃんが お手伝いしてくれて 助かった😊✨✨ ⁡ 塗り出せば早い! ローラーと刷毛を使って どんどん塗っていきます! ⁡ と、手が届く高さまでは塗れたけど、 階段は2階の天井と繋がっている 吹き抜け状態! 脚立も置けないので、 アルミ製の継ぎ柄を購入! 伸縮性の物もありますが、 私は伸びないタイプで、 ホームセンターで1000円以内 で購入できました。 これにローラー刷毛を取り付け、 高い部分も塗っていきます! ⁡ 力が入りすぎて継ぎ柄の ジョイント部分が折れて🥲 ローラーは1番下 のトイレのドアに激突! ⁡ ブルーの塗料が白いドアに べったり🫠 ⁡ 急いで水で濡らした雑巾で 拭いてとれたけど😅 (水性なので乾く前なら 水拭きでとれるよ☝️ 乾いたらアウト😂) ⁡ 結局、足場を取り付けて、 脚立を置いて塗りました😅 ⁡ 足場は、既存の桟の上に板を 置いてビスで しっかり固定しています。 ⁡ 自分が落ちたら、 さっきの折れたローラーみたいに ころげ落ちると想像したら、 かなりへっぴり腰にはなりましたが😵‍💫 ⁡ 無事に終了! #空き家#空き家DIY#空き家再生#セリア購入品#セリア#DIYリノベーション#100均DIY#DIYクリエイター#DIYクリエイターchiko#インテリア#階段DIY#階段インテリア #ペイント#壁ペイント #ナチュラルインテリア#アンティーク風インテリア ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡
築58年! 空き家をアトリエに! 階段リノベ!壁ペイント編です✨ 『ターナーのJカラー』を使いました! ⁡ 壁紙、ビニール、モルタルなど 色々な場所に塗れ、 乾燥時間が早く、 ムラなく仕上がるの。 臭いもほとんどないし、 抗菌剤でカビの発生も 防止してくれるので、 気に入ってます🥰 ⁡ 色の種類もかなり豊富で、 なんと200色! 今回は、インディゴブルー を選びました✨ ⁡ どんなテイストにしようか迷ったけど、 今回は夜っぽい雰囲気にしたくて😚 ⁡ 塗料って、カタログで見るのと、 実際の色では、やはり少し相違があり、 届いた塗料を開けてみて、 ⁡ 『めっちゃブルーやん!!』 ⁡ って、びっくり😂 ⁡ かなり鮮やかなブルーですが、 階段はちょっと暗めなので これでOK🙆‍♀️ ⁡ まずは、階段の踏み面や 蹴込みに養生をして、 壁はしっかりと拭き掃除します! ⁡ 古い階段だから、 かなり角度が急なのと、 汚れが酷くて、 ペイントまでの準備だけで かなり時間がかかりました。 ⁡ 友達のくみちゃんが お手伝いしてくれて 助かった😊✨✨ ⁡ 塗り出せば早い! ローラーと刷毛を使って どんどん塗っていきます! ⁡ と、手が届く高さまでは塗れたけど、 階段は2階の天井と繋がっている 吹き抜け状態! 脚立も置けないので、 アルミ製の継ぎ柄を購入! 伸縮性の物もありますが、 私は伸びないタイプで、 ホームセンターで1000円以内 で購入できました。 これにローラー刷毛を取り付け、 高い部分も塗っていきます! ⁡ 力が入りすぎて継ぎ柄の ジョイント部分が折れて🥲 ローラーは1番下 のトイレのドアに激突! ⁡ ブルーの塗料が白いドアに べったり🫠 ⁡ 急いで水で濡らした雑巾で 拭いてとれたけど😅 (水性なので乾く前なら 水拭きでとれるよ☝️ 乾いたらアウト😂) ⁡ 結局、足場を取り付けて、 脚立を置いて塗りました😅 ⁡ 足場は、既存の桟の上に板を 置いてビスで しっかり固定しています。 ⁡ 自分が落ちたら、 さっきの折れたローラーみたいに ころげ落ちると想像したら、 かなりへっぴり腰にはなりましたが😵‍💫 ⁡ 無事に終了! #空き家#空き家DIY#空き家再生#セリア購入品#セリア#DIYリノベーション#100均DIY#DIYクリエイター#DIYクリエイターchiko#インテリア#階段DIY#階段インテリア #ペイント#壁ペイント #ナチュラルインテリア#アンティーク風インテリア ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡
