@billionairehustlers: “When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen.” “Life can always change, you have to adjust.” “Before you give up, think of the reason you held on so long.” “It’s never too late to realise what you want in your life and it’s never wrong to fight for it.” “Jealousy is just love and hate at the same time.” “Sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination.” “Life is just a game in which the cards are facing down. I’m in the world where things are taken, never given how long they choose to love you will never be your decision.” “People like to build their own story about my life. I don’t know if it makes them feel better, or if it makes it okay for them not to like me. But the last thing I grew up as was rich.” “Haters are just confused admirers.” “Everybody has an addiction, mine happens to be success.” - @champagnepapi 💯🔥😤🐐 🗣 SPEAKER: Drake 🤝 WANT TO PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS? MESSAGE US! 💯FOLLOW US FOR MORE GREAT CONTENT! @billionairehustlers #motivation #mindset #success #money #drake