Be careful. That’s insane. This should be a Netflix series
2024-04-24 16:38:53
Lorena Gonzalez :
She just took it against you when you both started fighting and since you posted It on here and she saw it made her more mad and took it upon herself to just fuck you
2024-04-24 20:23:10
Daisy Bella :
The way I’m raging against chanclas right now!
2025-02-04 22:07:46
Evelyn Gomez :
That’s scary
2024-04-26 07:26:21
MonicaOsorio88 :
Girl I’m scared for you!
2024-04-26 17:41:34
Nena :
Quizá el "guardar las apariencias" sea algo común en la gente de Jalisco pero mi tía que vivió casi toda su vida en la Huerta era así. Siempre preocupada por las apariencias y "el que dirán"
2024-04-24 17:00:29
Va.leri.ahhhhAZ :
This is what they mean that a Mexican worst enemy is another Mexican smh 🙄 blessing are coming your way Anni this is not a setback 🙏🏼✨
2024-04-24 15:45:50
Anna Altamirano945 :
Pinche Lady Chanclas needs a Chanclaso.
2024-04-24 18:25:09
Ana Beatriz :
The way you call her chanclas 😂😂🩴
2024-04-24 19:54:37
Kary :
girl just be careful unfortunately justice on mexico doesn't exist is not the same has here in USA God bless you and your kids be safe 🙏
2024-04-24 15:18:49
Beverly :
Has lady Chanclas reached out to any of y’all? She popped up on my page. I don’t even have nothing to entertain anybody. So she’s checking out Anni followers.
2024-04-24 16:18:30
terriealverto3 :
The neighborhood should be ashamed and asking themselves what kind of HOA is this and could this happen to others, not just you smh you are amazing
2024-04-24 18:36:08
Viri | Latina in Nashville :
I don’t think we talk about Jaime enough. Jaime AND Lady Chanclas are downright miserable people to be dedicating all their time and resources to screw you. Lo que hace la envidia! Stay strong Ani!
2024-04-24 18:05:43
Mars :
@Un Tal Fredo we need her in your podcast 😳😳😳😳
2024-04-24 18:42:27
Bariatric Liz :
On a side note, your top is super cute and I'm loving the color.
2024-04-24 15:16:50
Jen :
Contact someone in your nearest municipality or governors office to help you.
2024-04-24 17:59:51
Ivette :
En México la corrupción es horrible. Todo es dinero 💰
2024-04-24 16:35:30
bigc :
I would make sure u have security for ur house,now that ur not around there it wouldn't be a surprise if they try something
2024-04-24 17:19:19
cassmissess :
Let’s make sure no one rents or buys Chanclas house
2024-04-24 18:34:10
karliitavlogs :
@Un Tal Fredo ayuda a publicar la injusticia que se esta haciendo con esta madre soltera y sus 5 hijos ay ke ayudar a que su historia sea escuchada ay ke hacer ruido gente!!!!!
2024-04-24 19:46:50
Gayla M Vasquez :
What happen with the possible documentary?
2024-04-24 15:41:05
Analy Diaz :
@AnniGRC make Lady Chanclas tshirts lol I'll buy one😂😂😂😂😂
2024-04-24 21:01:37
Emilee Ladybug Sanch :
Your cup collection tho 🔥🔥🔥
2024-04-24 18:40:07
Evelyn Aranda :
Oohhh girl stay safe this is so crazy their intentions are just not it la maña is another level
2024-04-24 17:36:57
Carla Morales :
I think Chanclas is in love with you
2024-04-24 15:18:02
Sue :
Was chanclas your neighbor who was made about the dust going in her house
2024-04-26 01:22:57
Vickie :
@AnniGRC you need to write a book on all of this guarantee you, it would be at the top number one selling book.
2024-04-24 20:34:44
Friarfrenchies_sd :
Try not to go so much against the grain out there …
2024-04-24 16:06:49
ategetse :
que bueno que publiques todo para que les de verguenza por que que verguenza de vecinos la verdad
2024-04-24 16:05:48
Citlali Bowtique :
@Adres Manuel López Obrador
2024-04-26 02:32:29
Free the Menendez Brothers!!! :
Do u think you should do more videos in Spanish so the neighbors understand and don’t just think and imagine the worst from you?
2024-04-24 21:59:48
Patricia Figueroa :
We support you!
2024-04-24 19:58:06
Angiessa777 :
💔 I can’t believe this! 😒
2024-04-24 15:12:55
Juan Gonzalez :
You’re very smart, you knew your construction was in violation of HOA but hid behind the “approval” of the prior board member. If he approved with HOA he was corrupt and now you want to blame
2024-04-25 22:36:06
Virginia Garcia :
Stop posting about this they have power and are not afraid to attack you.
2024-04-25 18:20:45
elvampirochilango :
Why did you build without a permit? If there is an HOA? I don’t understand! SMH
2024-04-25 02:21:11
Luna :
It’s easier to brush everything under the rug
2024-04-24 16:19:02
Olga Cruz :
Mija I’m very proud of the woman and mother you are but for the children please 🙏🏽 be careful.
2024-04-24 15:22:30
@lucyybakes :
Oh no Annie ! This is insane. Some kindly advice. Keep your new home out of public eye. I feel like that’s a safe option! Too many evil ppl out there 😓
2024-04-24 19:32:26
Dawn Mass :
That's crazy as hell 😳
2024-04-24 16:13:45
Kris.Tok90 :
They’re also scared of her. They don’t want problems.
2024-04-24 15:53:37
Gustavo Sanchez :
Cuando compraste en las reglas viene que no se debe alterar el frente nada mas. No es nada de corrupción.
2024-04-24 23:59:05
sallymendez82 :
Pinchi Lady Chanclas 🩴 the amount of time she puts into you she should be asking for a refund on her fake ass 😂😂😂
2024-04-24 22:33:49
ellyc808 :
No. Stop generalizing people and please stop hate or negativity towards Mexico/Mexicans we get that enough from foreigners. HOA’s are all the same in all countries, only there to collect fees.
2024-04-24 16:44:43
adaithegoat1 :
Yo queriendo comprar en puerto escondido en un HOA naaaa lastimosamente México mi país que amo esta corrupto
2024-04-24 16:06:39
⚕ :
The problem is too, if it’s not you and your family, it’ll be the next family to be in the same situation you were and they’ll do the exact same things they’re doing to you
2024-04-24 19:32:14
Pressy Campos :
Your a smart woman and have all you receipts to beat this. 🙏🙏🙏
2024-04-24 15:15:51
Sandra Maldonado :
True words. It’s not only In PV it’s all over Mexico.
2024-04-25 09:43:37
Victoria Mora-Galindo :
Ay dios what a mess they made. This all is a person vendetta against you! And the jealousy they have for you.
2024-04-24 16:08:03
Nancita🪬 :
Amiga living in Mexico for 24 years. Any tie to organized crime, I truly would leave the state. We want you safe querida
2024-04-24 16:01:56
BunnyCat Studio by Ana :
I think you need to be careful , you don’t know what ties all those people have. Corruption is extremely rampant there. You’re in a place you don’t truly know.
2024-04-24 17:36:07
Zaida Monica :
It’s unfortunate but that is our culture as Mexicans. They want to keep everything quiet.
2024-04-24 15:29:52
Gris Arriaga :
@Un Tal Fredo pon la en tu podcast 😁
2024-04-25 01:59:17
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