@the360mama: Postpartum running can feel really different and you might start to notice symptoms such as heaviness, aching, pain that could indicate you need to rehab your pelvic floor. Bladder symptoms can include leaking urine and you might feel embarrassed of you leak through clothing or feel uncomfortable wearing pads. This is called Stress Urinary Incontinence which has a really high success rate for resolving with physio-led pelvic floor therapy. Other bladder signs that your pelvic floor could benefit from rehab after birth include increased urgency to pee, needing to go more frequently, feeling like you don’t always fully empty your bladder or not having a steady flow of urine. Pelvic floor physiotherapists can help with all of these symptoms #bladderproblems #weakbladder #pelvicfloorexercises #pelvicfloor #kegel #postpartumrunning #Running #mumlife #postpartumphysicaltherapy #runningphysio