I've had 2 of these.. they unfortunately have a severe leg joint weak point. Both of mine broke there and are now permanently in table setup, can't close them. if they were under $80 I'd recommend.
2024-04-29 07:38:18
David J 💙 :
Dewalt has the same table for $99.99
2024-10-06 23:59:23
Aaron :
I’ve had one of these tables for years. They’re really handy and sturdy enough for a portable table. The clamps are garbage though.
2024-05-11 15:51:40
Jose Reza :
yea looks nice bud is made of plastic how long can't lass no is waist of money
2024-06-04 16:19:24
Secret_Squirrel69 :
Can I power saw that wood without cutting the table in half? 😳
2024-05-17 20:22:58
Smitty :
I still have one, Is ten years old, No issues. You have to pay attention when you fold the legs, If you Rush it, Something could break
2024-05-03 17:10:47
smokingpig5 :
for building bird houses
2024-05-21 04:49:28
ChrisDaugherty :
I’ve had one of these for 20 years and still use mine almost every day. Great for camping and great for portable bench at job sites. Mine made by black n decker.
2024-10-09 11:50:29
Gerold_TLX18 :
My clamps are stuck they don’t open
2024-09-16 00:55:09
hndrsnvirgil :
Walmart price is cheaper…
2024-05-03 15:01:45
TikTokMike :
looks like a working table for my son. Do they make one for adults?🤣