@icedoutgirly: Smudge Makeup EP.7: Brow Micropen This product is really unique and my favorite so far!😍 I love the quick and easy application and the way the product clings to my brows beautifully. First Impression: I am really impressed!😍✨️ For R52,99 @clicksza I think this is an absolute steal! I will continue using this and update you how I feel as I test it.😊 #smudgeclicks #smudgemakeup #smudge #smudgecosmetics #affordablemakeup #bestdrugstoremakeup #drugstoremakeup #clicksmakeup #clicks #makeupsouthafrica #southafricanmakeup #affordablemakeupproducts #makeup #beautytiktok #eyebrowpencil #affordableeyebrowpencils #eyebrowpencilreview #affordableeyebrowpencil #cheapmakeup #icedoutgirly #southafrica #makeupreview #makeupwithmichelle #browmicropen #eyebrowproduct #eyebrowtint