@iamdouglaseze: These institutions are focused on maximizing profits. Avoid being misled. How much money will you accumulate to seize opportunities if you're not tied to your mortgage? Rushing to purchase a house and pay it off means you're locking your capital into a liability. A HOUSE IS ONLY AN ASSET IF IT'S GENERATING MORE MONEY. The house you reside in drains your finances, and once you stop payments, you LOSE ALL THE MONEY YOU INVESTED when it's repossessed. Smart investors operate differently. If you have $500,000 in cash to buy a house, you can take a loan and manage that debt easily while investing your money elsewhere. It's not complicated. Let me simplify it for you so you can retain more of your monthly income and sustain your current lifestyle. Get my calendar at www.buildwealthwithdouglas.com to schedule a meeting and discuss further. #FinancialAdvice #InvestingTips #WealthBuilding #SmartMoney #assetmanagement