@ukhiddengems: Today’s hidden gem of the day is📍 Thirlmere Infinity Pool in the Lake District. Thirlmere Infinity Pool is arguably one of the best natural infinity pools in the Lake District and for certain one of the best wild swimming spots in the area. It’s easy to see why: perched on top of a waterfall high on the hillside, with epic fell views, and the perfect little swimming hole. It really is a beautiful spot. We’d recommend taking a dip at either sunrise or sunset, with sunset being the optimal time, as the water temperature will be at its best - it will always be cold. 📖 Click the link in our bio to learn more about this hidden gem, or search “Thirlmere Infinity Pool” on our app to get the exact co-ordinates! #uktravel #placestovisituk #ukhiddengems #uktravels #uktravelspots #thirlmereinfinitypool #lakedistricthiddengems #fyp #foryou