@vincentfoodstagram: Don't say good things bojio! Introducing the best-selling cockroach bait/trap killer from Japan! 🇯🇵 Say goodbye to cockroach infestations by strategically placing it in every corner and dark spot of your home. This highly effective solution requires just one piece near the cockroach trail. It can lasts between 6 months to a year, making it a great investment. Plus, each piece is designed with a 5cm gap, ensuring the safety of your pets and little ones who won't be able to reach the inside. But please, keep the bait away from babies and your food. Available in convenient packs of 12 pieces. A friend of mine strongly recommended this product, so you should know it's good! Don't miss this lobang! Click the yellow cart below to get yours! #cockroachtrap #cockroachbait #cockroachkiller #cockroachrepellent #japanmade #madeinjapan #number1injapan #pestcontrol #cockroachinfestation #homecare #safetyfirst #petfriendly #babyproof #longlastinginvestment #effective #recommendation #musthaveathome #householdessential #cleanhome #killcockroach #killcockroaches #saynotobugs #getridofcockroaches #homeimprovement #hygienetips #pestmanagement #byebyebugs #sparkleandshine #dontsaybojio #热门推荐 #choosehappiness #damnworthit #sgtiktok #WhereToEat #whattoeat #sgfoodie #WhatToBuy #whattowatch #whattowear #TikTokShop #tiktokshopping #tiktokshoppinghaul #ilovetiktokshop #tiktokshopsg #tiktokshoptreats #getwhatyoulove #triedandtested #fyp #tiktokmademebuyit #tiktokmademetrythis #tiktokshopmartdeals #sellwithtiktokshop #tiktokshopsgsale #tiktokshopelectronics #LearnOnTikTok #createtowin #elhuatlah #weeklywedrush #concertessentails #spring2024 #tiktokshoplifestyle #tiktokshopmothersday @TikTok Shop Singapore