@earthnailsandtails: Send me a message and I can send you a list if my supplies. Here is WHY I plant my tomatoes the way I do 👇🏼 1. Plant them deep, tomatoes will grow roots out of their stems when in contact with soil to create an even larger root system 2. Use mycorrhizae inoculant to establish the symbotic root-soil network that feeds your plants 3. Fertilize around the plant, vice in the plants hole, to promote a larger and stronger root system 4. Plant with companions like Marigolds and Basil to promote health and flavor, and minimize pests and weeds 5. Use Green Aminos to reduce transplant shock and promote new root growth I dug all my holes with a hori hori knife and planted my j hook ropes beneath the plants at the time of planting to trellis my tomatoes as they grow. If you want strong and healthy plants, it all starts under the soil! #gardening #tomato #tomatoes #growyourownfood