if ur a real zombies player yk bo3 zombies is the best. constantly great maps compared to bo2
2024-05-14 15:51:59
Joshua Blouin :
if u saying bo3 zombies is better than bo2 zombies u were too young when bo2 zombies was peak idc
2024-05-19 16:24:14
Ben Dover :
yea definently not better than BO2💀
2024-05-14 03:16:32
irwin :
my only issue with bo3 zombies is it isn’t challenging, given 3 hits and gums
2024-05-19 07:19:52
Jacob :
Bro said transit and die rise😂😂😂
2024-05-19 05:07:24
nbehrendt :
All the kids saying bo3. Only think I liked about bo3 zombies were the custom maps. Shadows of evil is probably the worst zombies map I’ve ever played
2024-05-14 13:26:40
x :
Bo3 zombies is better than any zombies
2024-05-19 20:29:48
ZootedDlo :
Cap bo3 zombies wasn’t better
2024-05-14 15:48:12
endofisaiah :
Bo3 had the top 2 zombie maps oat. (Rev and deresindrache or however u spell it )
2024-05-14 03:16:24
Adam4512 :
Bo3 is a better zombies that’s a fact, BO2 had the nostalgia, if they hadn’t of remastered origins I would have agreed but they did so bo3 took the cake
2024-06-12 04:10:00
🥱 :
Yeah naw nothing beats playing origins, tranzit and alcatraz with the homies
2024-05-17 13:05:21
drá :
i still cannot believe people don’t think bo1 is the best
2024-05-19 11:48:08
IThinkItsLilcee :
Yes ofc and it has all the bo2 maps on there as well🤣🤣
2024-05-14 03:18:58
Sasukelvvr :
If bo3 didn’t have that pathetic excuse for a map shadows of evil, it would be the best
2024-05-15 17:51:58
herobrine07366 • Twitch :
unless ur bias bo3 is easily the best cod to grace the earth.
2024-05-18 22:23:44
Clay :
so what about bo3 zombies was so amazing i could never get into it. genuine question
2024-05-20 15:40:50
Tuttsman :
half the people that are saying bo2 was better never played. bo3 jad the best maps on release plus chronicles. and gobbles. stop nostalgia riding
2024-06-04 21:50:00
Capeyy 🩶 :
Black ops 3 zombies> not a single map in Bo3 is a miss, maybe zetsubou no shima but even that is peak. Best storyline, goated features such as the slide mechanic, gobblegums. And don't even get me
2024-05-18 20:45:48
🌵 :
Most yall wasnt there to witness peak bo2💀💀💀
2024-05-21 14:22:26
mysouldislikes :
Adin is casual at zombie all these new streamers are casuals at cod everybody knows bo3 had better maps than bo2
2024-05-14 06:06:56
Rain_07 :
Bo3 was the last good zombies cod
2024-05-19 00:22:52
jonjon :
B03 zombies was the most memorable imo. B02 was just good zombies overall from gameplay story everything was perfect.
2024-05-14 03:16:57
jorge :
bo3 zombies is the best zombies
2024-05-19 03:43:27
Billy :
Bo3 is better than 2 simply due to the fact of the remasters. the remastered maps are the best part of Bo3. also SoE is am amazing map. but 2 is far more iconic and nostalgiac imo
2024-05-20 17:44:34
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