@sloma.alzwe: وايامن وهو جيعان نا هو خاله..وابقيت من عمامه كى نقل ب جروحااا#عادل_الصوصاع #ع_الفاهق #شعراء_وذواقين_الشعر_الشعبي #شتاوي_فااااهق🔥 #شتاوي_غناوي_علم_ليبيه #صوب_خليل_خلق_للجمله🎶❤🔥💔💔

Sloma Alzwe
Sloma Alzwe
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Wednesday 15 May 2024 18:39:18 GMT




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What is the Law of Assumption and how can you use it to get rich?  What a lot of people get wrong about the law of assumption is they think it’s all about wishful thinking or positive affirmations, but it’s not. It’s about understanding how your beliefs shape your reality, because when you know at your deepest level what you want is not only possible but INEVITABLE, you act like the person who already has it, and those actions make you actually get it. Think of it like this, when you take a placebo thinking it’s actually medicine, your mind triggers a series of biochemical reactions that produce real physiological changes. Your belief in the pill's effectiveness actually manifests as healing in your body. The same way when you wholeheartedly believe in your future success, your mind starts to align your thoughts, actions, and circumstances with that vision of your reality. Now the law of assumption says that your subconscious mind cannot distinguish between what is real and what is imagined. So, when you consistently show your subconscious the image of yourself already living your desired reality, it accepts it as truth and works to bring it to life. Here's where it gets really freaking cool: your subconscious mind operates on the principle of least resistance. It tries to align your outer reality with your inner beliefs to maintain a sense of congruence. So, when you wholeheartedly assume the identity of the person who has already achieved their goals, your subconscious will guide you to take the necessary actions, make the right decisions, and attract the right opportunities to manifest that reality. The actions you’re taking by aligning yourself to that future version of you that you know is inevitable, are causing that future version of you to be inevitable.  Learn how I went from $40k debt to millionaire at 30, check out our website for more 💸
What is the Law of Assumption and how can you use it to get rich? What a lot of people get wrong about the law of assumption is they think it’s all about wishful thinking or positive affirmations, but it’s not. It’s about understanding how your beliefs shape your reality, because when you know at your deepest level what you want is not only possible but INEVITABLE, you act like the person who already has it, and those actions make you actually get it. Think of it like this, when you take a placebo thinking it’s actually medicine, your mind triggers a series of biochemical reactions that produce real physiological changes. Your belief in the pill's effectiveness actually manifests as healing in your body. The same way when you wholeheartedly believe in your future success, your mind starts to align your thoughts, actions, and circumstances with that vision of your reality. Now the law of assumption says that your subconscious mind cannot distinguish between what is real and what is imagined. So, when you consistently show your subconscious the image of yourself already living your desired reality, it accepts it as truth and works to bring it to life. Here's where it gets really freaking cool: your subconscious mind operates on the principle of least resistance. It tries to align your outer reality with your inner beliefs to maintain a sense of congruence. So, when you wholeheartedly assume the identity of the person who has already achieved their goals, your subconscious will guide you to take the necessary actions, make the right decisions, and attract the right opportunities to manifest that reality. The actions you’re taking by aligning yourself to that future version of you that you know is inevitable, are causing that future version of you to be inevitable. Learn how I went from $40k debt to millionaire at 30, check out our website for more 💸
