@eltamaleritoo: Broma del telefono a morenistas 😂

El tamaleritoo
El tamaleritoo
Open In TikTok:
Region: MX
Thursday 16 May 2024 20:24:25 GMT




Erika Dinorah Luna M :
Plan C ♥️😎
2024-06-02 01:20:54
cris 😅 :
2024-05-28 20:22:06
VâzDöm GëRú :
Defienden como si tuvieran un puesto ya en gobierno
2024-05-16 23:49:23
3/19 :
ahí se ve la educación de la 4 t
2024-05-18 00:26:41
Dany :
con Morena no se metan
2024-05-17 22:16:06
Fergie Vargas :
😂😂😂😂😂 se ponen intensos lo de morena
2024-05-16 20:33:38
silvia_poloo :
2024-05-18 00:12:55
Juan Arias :
Los de morena lo mas fino de parís !!!!
2024-05-19 01:48:55
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Most relationship advice around attachment styles - especially avoidant attachment, anxious attachment, or insecure attachment - completely misinterprets WHY avoidants often say that they lost feelings for their partner, often mislabeling an incompatibility issue rather than a sign of something much more urgent.  If you have a felt like you’re feelings for your partner just seem to fade away, this is NOT a sign that you are incompatible! However, it could be a very strong sign that you have an avoidant attachment style. Avoidant attachment isn’t about lack of compatibility OR lack of love. It’s rooted in your nervous system and the ways that it responds to closeness, connection, commitment, and conflict! Most importantly, it’s essential for you to recognize this: you can have an avoidant attachment style and not KNOW it.  If you’ve ever been labeled as “emotionally unavailable“, unaccountable, cold, distant, detached, or uncaring… Please know that you are not alone! These are common misinterpretations relationship patterns that stem from when you were very, very young. And yes, you can have relationship patterns that cause you to show up in ways that you’re not consciously aware of! If you have noticed yourself suddenly losing feelings when things get close, it’s not because you don’t care. It might actually be that you care so deeply, it overwhelms your nervous system! Everyone has coping mechanisms that they subconsciously pivot to when they’re overwhelmed: they are your nervous system’s way of coping by detaching for self protection. Knowing your attachment style is the FIRST step… It’s just the start. The SECOND step…Is addressing the reasons WHY you developed avoidant attachment in the first place, HOW it shows up in your coping strategies; and what you can do INSTEAD to have the kind of connection you see OTHER people share…while wondering why things seem so much easier for them!  Book a free, 30-minute consult with me through the link in my profile and I will provide you with resources and respond to your questions about your particular situation!  Remember: You do not have to figure this out alone! ##avoidantattachment##anxiousattachment ##relationshipadviceforwomen##attachment##attachmentissues##compatibility#c#creatorsearchinsights
Most relationship advice around attachment styles - especially avoidant attachment, anxious attachment, or insecure attachment - completely misinterprets WHY avoidants often say that they lost feelings for their partner, often mislabeling an incompatibility issue rather than a sign of something much more urgent. If you have a felt like you’re feelings for your partner just seem to fade away, this is NOT a sign that you are incompatible! However, it could be a very strong sign that you have an avoidant attachment style. Avoidant attachment isn’t about lack of compatibility OR lack of love. It’s rooted in your nervous system and the ways that it responds to closeness, connection, commitment, and conflict! Most importantly, it’s essential for you to recognize this: you can have an avoidant attachment style and not KNOW it. If you’ve ever been labeled as “emotionally unavailable“, unaccountable, cold, distant, detached, or uncaring… Please know that you are not alone! These are common misinterpretations relationship patterns that stem from when you were very, very young. And yes, you can have relationship patterns that cause you to show up in ways that you’re not consciously aware of! If you have noticed yourself suddenly losing feelings when things get close, it’s not because you don’t care. It might actually be that you care so deeply, it overwhelms your nervous system! Everyone has coping mechanisms that they subconsciously pivot to when they’re overwhelmed: they are your nervous system’s way of coping by detaching for self protection. Knowing your attachment style is the FIRST step… It’s just the start. The SECOND step…Is addressing the reasons WHY you developed avoidant attachment in the first place, HOW it shows up in your coping strategies; and what you can do INSTEAD to have the kind of connection you see OTHER people share…while wondering why things seem so much easier for them! Book a free, 30-minute consult with me through the link in my profile and I will provide you with resources and respond to your questions about your particular situation! Remember: You do not have to figure this out alone! ##avoidantattachment##anxiousattachment ##relationshipadviceforwomen##attachment##attachmentissues##compatibility#c#creatorsearchinsights
