@avbfit: How to get 15 of protein with your morning coffee One of the simplest ways to consume more protein is by sneaking it into your coffee ☕️ Here’s what you need: -cold brew -milk of choice -collagen protein I use Elite Premium Novo Proteins for its blend of collagen, hyaluronic acid, zinc, copper, and vitamin C Plus going with a grass-fed, hydrolyzed bovine collagen has 2 major benefits: ✨ The collagen is sourced from healthy cattle raise on a grass fed diet over confined cattle typically fed low quality grains ✨ Hydrolyzed collagen peptides have the highest bioavailability making them the easiest and most absorbable form of collagen This is simple, delicious, and I hope you give it a try! #protein #collagendrink #collagenprotein #collagenpowder #collagenpeptides #proteincoffee