@coffeecircle: Do you have trouble getting your milk perfectly frothed? 🥛 The positioning and movement of the steam wand are particularly important: 1. Position the steam wand in the middle of the milk jug and move it to the edge. During frothing, the milk should move in a circular "whirlpool" motion. 2. Avoid quickly dipping, lifting, and submerging the steam wand while frothing. The steam wand should initially be about 1-2 cm below the milk surface. Then slowly move the jug from top to bottom so that the steam wand stays just below the surface. Follow these two tips, and nothing will stand in the way of your microfoam for latte art. 😉 #coffeecircle #specialtycoffee #roastery #berlin #tipps #latteart #microfoam #tutorial #latteswan