@jackblack: Happy Birthday Minecraft! Crafting kick axe memories since ‘09

Jack Black
Jack Black
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Region: US
Friday 17 May 2024 17:55:51 GMT




✝️Brooks📚 :
did they just “may thy knife chip and shatter” a minecraft cake
2024-05-18 13:25:05
monday left me broken :
2024-09-06 00:54:16
☆Floris☆ :
I.. AM STEVE🗣️⚠️🔥💯‼️
2024-09-07 19:40:54
Jake :
Jason Mamoa and Jack Black in Minecraft before GTA 6 is crazy
2024-05-17 18:00:28
wen :
Happy Birthday Minecraft 😂😂😂
2024-05-28 23:30:11
Nikki Brothers :
I LOVE THIS! I'm not a Minecraft person, but 2 of my favorite actors are here lol....
2024-05-17 20:11:45
alisonturner89 :
OHMYGOD my son had a Minecraft themed birthday party on Saturday 😭 I’m gonna HAVE to show him this!!! He’s gonna geek out 💚🤎🖤❤️
2024-05-20 05:54:57
Jacob :
They should be in the new Minecraft live action movie
2024-05-17 19:25:29
MortisMain753 :
2024-09-12 07:04:01
Lady Tania🥰 :
wow 15 years already 🥰
2024-05-20 02:51:20
Caleb_Evans :
Best Minecraft add I’ve seen
2024-05-17 17:58:45
Tricia Head940 :
2024-05-21 15:40:25
Lexi🤍🌌 :
the dune reference wi the knife thing
2024-05-17 18:12:33
Kelz.Dee :
Happy Birthday Minecraft yous are amazing xx 🥰👌❤️
2024-05-24 01:01:53
melissapulz :
omg. this is the best vid ever!!
2024-05-20 09:49:29
Dehemetera :
I've just seen both my imaginary husbands in one place doing shaeningans and dune references. must be MY birthday
2024-05-18 13:46:39
BillieJean :
You two guys rock🥰🥰🥰
2024-05-22 23:58:21
Baby Doll988 :
2024-05-18 16:29:45
LaRosa Rose :
😂👏❤️The collab we didn't know we needed 😂👏❤️
2024-05-20 02:19:21
j-stinA :
love u both
2024-05-23 02:57:07
Bruce like that :
Minecraft movie???
2024-05-17 21:04:22
Laura Moncur :
Proof once again that I will watch ANYTHING with Jack Black in it. 🤦🏻‍♀️
2024-05-31 02:23:36
Yvette Van Eyssen :
Love it lol
2024-05-19 12:43:20
Lady Scarlt :
AWESOME U 2!!!!! 🤣👍👍
2024-05-18 05:28:12
To see more videos from user @jackblack, please go to the Tikwm homepage.

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pov: you and ni-ki are not in a serious relationship. u can describe what u have with him as a relationship, but it's not actually like that. to end things with him, u became honest and already told him that u caught feelings for him. u really thought that it was the ending, but he didn't agree, and he asked for time to figure out what he truly feels about u.   nothing changes even when u confess. of course u were a bit hurt but still can't manage to let him go at some point. u just love him to the point that u would do anything just to be with him.  what more confusing is he acts like he doesn't want to see u around with others and is possessive over u yet still unsure of his feelings. but u're hoping that when the time he asked is over, he'll feel the same too.   ni-ki invited u last week to his friend's birthday party. u don't know what the reason is why u have to go with him, but still, u agreed since u're not busy.   u are now ready to go after getting ready for hours because u want to look presentable. he fetched u, and u don't know if it's just how u felt, but he couldn't take his eyes off u while driving.   when u two arrived at the party, it was already starting. while u're looking around, ni-ki leaned in closer to ur ear to say something because the music is too loud.
pov: you and ni-ki are not in a serious relationship. u can describe what u have with him as a relationship, but it's not actually like that. to end things with him, u became honest and already told him that u caught feelings for him. u really thought that it was the ending, but he didn't agree, and he asked for time to figure out what he truly feels about u. nothing changes even when u confess. of course u were a bit hurt but still can't manage to let him go at some point. u just love him to the point that u would do anything just to be with him. what more confusing is he acts like he doesn't want to see u around with others and is possessive over u yet still unsure of his feelings. but u're hoping that when the time he asked is over, he'll feel the same too. ni-ki invited u last week to his friend's birthday party. u don't know what the reason is why u have to go with him, but still, u agreed since u're not busy. u are now ready to go after getting ready for hours because u want to look presentable. he fetched u, and u don't know if it's just how u felt, but he couldn't take his eyes off u while driving. when u two arrived at the party, it was already starting. while u're looking around, ni-ki leaned in closer to ur ear to say something because the music is too loud. "wait for me here, okay?" he said, and u just nodded. it was too crowded with faces that is all new to u. u don't know anyone here, but it's nice to see that everyone is having fun. u looked at ni-ki and saw him engaging in conversation with his friends. u felt a pang in ur chest. u wonder why he even invited u here. meanwhile, u saw a group of men walking in ur direction. they must be ni-ki's friends, u thought in mind. "hi," they all greeted. "hello," u said shyly. "i've never seen u before," the other one said. u just smiled, not knowing what to say. "but u're with ni-ki, right?" he asked. "yeah," u said shortly. they seemed nice. "u are ni-ki's?" his friend asks. u felt nervous. u actually don't know what to say. u don't really know what u have with ni-ki and u just can't be honest with them, so u just thought of lying and telling them that u're his cousin. "i'm his cou--" u didn't even finish because u felt a strong arm wrapped around ur waist. u looked at it, and it was ni-ki. "she's my girlfriend," ha said, cutting u off. his friends' eyes widened in shock, like it was something so surprising. u are also looking at his surprise too, but when his gaze meets urs, it tells u to just let him. "u have a girlfriend already?" one of his friends says. "this was the first time, dude," his other friend says happily. so this was the first time he introduced someone as his girlfriend, and u couldn't believe that it's u even if it's not true. "she's pretty," u heard one of his friend's whispers. "so what's her name?" he asked. u can't read ni-ki's emotion hearing that question, but u felt his hand lightly grip ur waist. "u don't have to know," he said shortly. "woah, man, chill," his friend hung his hands on the air. "are u done talking? we gotta go," he said. he said and bid goodbye. u smiled at them and said goodbye too. u are now looking at ni-ki's hand on urs while he pulls u away from them. u're now on the way out, and u don't know what's with his sudden decision to go home when u just arrived thirty minutes ago. u want an answer why he suddenly introduced u to his friend, so u pulled ur hands from him. "what was that?" u asked, confused. u have the right to since he told u that he wasn't sure of his feelings. by the look on his face, u could tell that he also don't know why he said that. "it's not like we're together, ni-ki," u reminded him. "yes, we are!" he said immediately. ur brows narrowed of confusion of his actions for tonigt. he is really so confusing. (comsec++) #enhypen #ENHYPEN #ni_ki #NI_KI #nishimurariki #NISHIMURIKI #fyp #FYP
