@tjarchitecture: 🇩🇪 Germany | Munich - Water Reservoir “Hochbehälter Forstenrieder Park”: In December 2023 I had the opportunity to join a really rare tour through this brutalist beauty. This drinking water reservoir was build 1966 and has a capacity of appr. 30% of Munich’s demand per day. The whole water of the huge room is completely changed within 24h so the water is fresh always. Additionally the water can be up to 7 meters deep. The whole reservoir has only drinking water which comes directly from sources and wells near the Alps and brought through pipelines to the city limits where the reservoir is located. You can see one huge reservoir but there are two identical ones at this place but the other one was maintained when I was there. So the tour was super interesting and I learned a lot about drinking water supply and wells. Actually at this place there is a special well, a so called “swallowing well” where drinking water is disposed and later sourced again. The whole Hochbehälter is situated above Munich, but unterground. Because of the elevation, there is noch need for pumps in the city of Munich for drinking water. However the architecture is stunning with all the concrete! #fyp #architecture #concrete #brutal #munich