It’s good advice, it just wasn’t the right advice for Anakin. It’s the exact opposite of how Yoda should have helped him through his feelings, he basically dropped the ending on him without showing him the journey
2024-05-22 08:28:18
cantsleeopwontsleep :
“It do be like that sometimes” - Yoda
2024-05-22 04:23:02
Boss :
Yoda failed him as a manager there.
2024-05-22 04:44:57
Dishes110 :
I just watched this on Disney plus and saw some extended moments one with yoda
2024-05-22 14:05:47
bmosplace :
2025-02-28 18:17:32
rurbesho :
jedi you are. natural death is. need not assume married you are. worried for obi Wan you are?
2024-05-23 16:27:50
Are you sure :
"Over it you should get, harsh the vibe, do not" - Yoda
2024-05-22 03:38:19
Austin Peña :
Yoda basically said, "Deal with it. We all die."
2024-05-22 04:01:42
開 :
Nice analysis, Mace! Anakin was a very stubborn individual, and he would often choose what he would want to hear and rejected all else; he took Yoda’s words at a surface level understanding.
2024-05-22 03:34:46
VoodooPork :
I always thought this was terrible advice. Anakin suffered his entire life. He finds love, acceptance, family for the first time and this frog man tells him to abandon that connection.
2024-05-22 21:07:26
gboii :
Do you think if Anakin did get access to the Jedi Archives it would help or would it just further validate his paranoia. Personally I'm apart of the latter
2024-05-22 03:44:59
Dietrich soda :
I think Yoda thought anakin was talking about Obi-Wan dying, and was saying this is a war people die in war, but yoda also knew of force ghosts and was trying to tell Anakin about ghosts vaguely
2024-05-22 06:25:46
Pirate_king_Dialga :
They told him to accept the 💀 of one he loves instead of guiding him toward a safer path of trying to save them, even if he failed they could have tried to help save them.
2024-05-22 05:45:46
WelderDave :
How dare he not want to lose his love 🙄🙄
2024-05-22 04:41:15
albertparent :
Many people die, I have seen. Like hamsters, you all are.
2024-05-22 11:09:48
AndomG :
I wouldn't go so far as to say that Yoda is the true villain. I would say he had very off teaching moments at crucial times. Someone mourning and dealing with potential loss probably needs to hear a
2024-05-22 09:59:06
RebelLawyer :
It was not the right advice. Yoda should have asked him, "what would Qui-Gon do?"
2024-05-22 05:31:13
Lord Vas Fett (Prime) :
Right mindset. Wrong wording
2024-05-25 12:36:30
Noah👨🏾🏭 ✪ :
@Olivier C basically told him to just pray
2024-05-23 01:12:15
cptblacksparrow6 :
No it’s more like someone wanting to draw the picture for them instead of giving them the tools and guidance to figure things out on their own.
2024-05-22 20:55:30
bad sandwich :
Honestly, the Jedi are as responsible for anakin becoming a sith as palpatine.
2024-05-22 16:15:54
ADeadPhish :
good notion to hold on to generally, but in this situation, with this person, absolutely not. yes, we do need to accept that everyone dies and we need to be able to move past those losses, but /1
2024-05-22 06:40:55
WelderDave :
Yoda should’ve been more straight up
2024-05-22 04:40:40
Grey Ghost 🍉 :
What advice do you think he should have gave Anakin?
2024-05-22 03:42:16
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