@winandthrive: Ambious Mom Ambitious Mom! We don't live in a in black and white world. Feminist or Traditionalist, it just doesn't matter to me, and I refuse labels. We, as women, are complex. We have a hundred different roles. Each woman fosters their individuality in their own unique way. If they prioritize being a caretaker, then it doesn't mean they are any less of a woman because they decide to nurture that part of their life. My Goal is to prioritize being a mother, caretaker, and wife. I just, unfortunately, make things hard on myself. I always push myself. But I don't let society dictate what I need to bring or not bring to my family's table. Accept yourself as you are. Take it slow, take it easy. You can't do everything. But you can be happy and satisfied with how you spend your time at the end of the day if you listen to your mind, heart, and body. Follow me for more mom updates! #lds #motherhood #woman #coping #changing #believing #anger #angerissues #children #dobetter #tradwife #traditionallife #bossbabe #feminist #carnivore #momguilt #thrivingmom #gatherinformation

Shelby Lynne
Shelby Lynne
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Thursday 23 May 2024 10:00:00 GMT




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