I got told they can’t tell me how to get rid of the tongue tie please tell me how to do it
2024-05-26 13:55:58
Itsok 🇬🇧 :
It’s so shocking to me now living away from the uk how much healthcare is different here. Here it’s done no questions asked and no appointment in advance needed. The nhs really is struggling 😩
2024-05-23 12:11:16
Malaya Gaile :
We even have limited options since most hospital will only do it in the first 8 weeks of life. We are in NICU on that weeks and NG fed so how would we know. This is frustating really!
2024-05-23 19:37:16
Sharmaziing :
I had to pay 1300 for my newborns tongue tie & lip tie release privately (including follow up appointment) as the NHS didn’t want to help
2024-05-23 18:28:59
Mish Ruth :
Great videos thanks for sharing xx
2024-05-23 15:39:32
Rachel Allie 1 :
my baby has it and the chap's nurses says it's ok to leave it cause there's no problem with my boy latching on to a bottle should I do sompthing now or leve it till his older I'm so worried 😔
2024-05-28 13:07:30
Lenice :
My baby had 50% tongue tie took midwife’s and health visitor 2 weeks to listen to me and agree. I was trying to breastfeed and she couldn’t latch. It was awful I started giving her formula and pumping
2024-05-25 15:49:39
Grace Edwards New :
My son had a bad tongue tie and I bottle fed and he has it snipped at 2 weeks old x
2024-05-23 19:58:09
Malaya Gaile :
Same here. We are still waiting if the hospital will accept the referral. We are considering to do it privately too.
2024-05-23 19:35:33
Amymercado98 :
My first daughter couldn’t latch without nipple shields! I was denied 💔 even at 8 months she couldn’t latch without shields 😭 if was so painful xx
2024-05-23 18:41:54
Hayles :
We’ve just had a second release done privately at 6 weeks. First on the nhs went well but it wasn’t complete and they haven’t helped further.
2024-05-23 13:41:13
Hollie Armstrong :
oh I hope dhe gets it sorted this is a big fear as I couldn't feed my first because of lip tie I realy want to breast feed
2024-05-23 11:51:49
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