@drpatrickdavis: Without a doubt, the patients are the best part of this job. We get to meet such wonderful and interesting people and I am grateful to be part of their journey. It is just that, a journey, and in this case there was transformation not only in an aesthetic sense, but internally as well. As always, thank you for choosing Davis Facial Plastics and we look forward to continuing this journey together. ⭐ Deep Plane Facelift ⭐ Upper Blepharoplasty ⭐ CO2 Laser Treatment ⭐ Controlled Depth Peel 📞 (424) 284-3164 🌐 davisfacialplastics.com 📍 9440 Santa Monica Blvd Suite 708, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 📷 These photos are used with explicit consent from the patient. #deepplanefacelift #facelift #lasertreatment #upperblepharoplasty #patientconnection #plasticsurgery #testimonial #plasticsurgeon #beverlyhills #beauty