@unoadventures: Did you know? Maguindanao is also distinguished in the realm of visual art. Historically, they have been renowned as metalworkers, producing wavy-bladed kris and ceremonial swords, as well as gongs. They're also into basket and handloom weaving. One of the most versatile handwoven textile product of Maguindanao is the "Inaul". Maguindanao women wear it as a malong skit and as garments for formal or royal events. #NowYouKnow #Maguindanao #Mindanao #TravelPhilippines #DomesticTourismInvitationalProgram #TourismPromotionsBoardPhilippines #DepartmentOfTourismPhilippines #TPBGovPH #TourismContentCreator #TravelContentCreator #TravelShootPromote #UnoAdventures @Tourism Philippines