@wheretonexthoney: Do the hard things! 👏 Last week an opportunity presented itself to attend @hellotravelcon in Portland Oregon and although it seemed a little daunting at first, I’m SO glad I went! Those of you who know Tenille the wrestler know I’ve performed for years on stage in front of huge crowds around the world, but somehow interacting with peers face to face seems more challenging and scary to me. It’s really about stepping out of our comfort zones, we could all do it more often, because as I’ve learned time and time again, the rewards are truly worth it. I met so many amazing people, I made new connections, I learned so much and I set new goals. I feel energized and motivated to reach higher. Attending this convention was one of the best things I could have done. Thank you @hyattregencyportlandatocc for hosting me at your hotel literally right next to the Oregon Convention Center. It made the whole experience that much better 🙌 And @travelportland, I wish I had more time to explore but I’ll be back!

Tenille Dashwood
Tenille Dashwood
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Saturday 25 May 2024 16:03:08 GMT




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