@nontoxicdad: If you’re gonna garden, do it Non-Toxic Dad style! 🧑🌾💪 Springtime means another round of planting for the Non-Toxic Dad garden - and this is how I do it: 👉 Step 1: Weed whack (or Sickle), the cover crop (that you can plant in the fall; for us, it is organic ryegrass, clover, and Australian peas). This not only adds nutrients to the soil but contributes to a thriving microbiology that will ultimately benefit the plants' nutrition and my family when we harvest 🙌 . 👉 Step 2: Cover the chopped-up cover crop we created in Step 1 with compost or organic-rich soil (about 3-4 inches deep). This will seal in the organics and stop grass growth. 👉 Step 3: Now we get our hands dirty and PLANT some FOOD! (the fun part). In this example, I’m planting potatoes with my garlic (planted in the Fall) so I get a yield with minimal risk of fungus growth 🥔 🧄 I can’t wait to share the results of my new non-toxic gardening method with you all - so stay tuned! 🌱 #gardeningtips #plantcare #organicgardening #growyourfood #nontoxicliving