@fifth_wheel_living: Basically true😂 the only thing id have to say about this is if the rv is brand new and not bought whole sale, yes you lose alot because of depreciation. But there are many that have bought whole sale brand new (including me) and have not lost money or have bought used (including me) and not have lost money when sold. I think it depends on the buyer and what theyre buying. #rvlife #rvlifewithdogs #rvlifestyle #fulltimerv #fulltimervers #rvlivingwithdogs #fulltimerving #fulltimervfamily #fulltimervlife #camperlife #camperliving #minimalisthome #minimalisticstyle #minimalistliving #Home #budgetingtips #moneysavingtips #costofliving #mourningroutines
Also is better than paying rent when you do not recover anything
2024-05-28 20:41:21
Tarrah Garis :
Well… my husband and I bought ours for 31k cash. If you divide that by our old mortgage payment… it’s exactly 2 years worth of living there. We plan to be in it for that long, so it pays for itself!
2024-05-28 14:57:51
Tabeaux Poggers :
Even if it isn’t a good investment it’s still an investment. It still has resell value, even if it isn’t the same as what you bought it for.
2024-05-29 19:52:13
elie :
i would love to live in an RV , My boyfriend doesn't want to. but it seems like such a cool idea to safe money. then we buy a home and rent it out in the backyard. win win
2024-05-28 16:56:39
Eli :
I want to buy one and go leave there in my country
2024-05-28 23:55:17
daniellemiler5 :
Yep bought used and actually will prob make money when we go to sell. You jsit auve to be smart and do research. Not go to a lot desperately getting whatever.
2024-05-28 16:18:36
🥴 :
What does buying an RV whole sale mean. Is it buying an RV from a dealership that ordered a 1000 of the same RV?
2024-05-28 15:02:27
denise carten :
Kris. follow him...echodatruth
2024-05-28 14:56:30
denise carten :
banks are going down for fraud.. look for Echo on here
2024-05-28 14:54:50
denise carten :
NO. a mortgage is a death sentence. even after paying off you still owe. look up mortgage scam. Also we are going to a whole new qfs money system. stay in your Rv. Good things are coming
2024-05-28 14:54:21
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