@coach.bluee: Warrior Shoulders Workout - Grow like a beast This workout will challenge your shoulders like you have never been challenged before. Train like a functional athlete Now… Nothing wrong with doing the basic (Seated shoulder press, lateral raise, front raise…) But that’s not what I am training for. #traininsaneorremainthesame WORKOUT 1️⃣ BB side to side overhead transfer 2️⃣BB alternating presses 3️⃣DB around the world 4️⃣Front raise & press 5️⃣Upright row to press 6️⃣Alternating hammer presses 7️⃣Front raise to lateral toss 3 SETS OF EACH 12 REPS OF EACH 60-90 SEC REST BREAKS #shoulderworkout #shoulders #buildmuscle #workoutmotivation #beastmode #fitnessmotivation #functionaltraining #exercise #training