@primarymisstresources: ➕➖ NAIL THE FOUR OPERATIONS WITH THE MATHS TOOLKIT! ✖️➗ Effectively teach your class through the foundations with the jack of all trades of maths resources - THE MATHS TOOLKIT 😁 The Maths Toolkit includes the following maths manipulatives: 👉 TEN FRAME 👉 BAR MODEL 👉 PART-PART-WHOLE MODEL 👉 ANALOGUE CLOCKS 👉NUMBER SENTENCE COMPARISONS …AND MORE TO GET YOUR CLASS UP TO SPEED WITH ALL OPERATIONS! 🔗 LINK IS IN MY BIO TO PURCHASE - #p#primaryteacherm#mathsactivitiesc#classroomactivitiesp#primaryteacherukc#classroomideasc#classroomfunt#teachersontiktokp#primaryteachersm#mathsresourcesm#mathstoolkitk#ks1teacherks2teacher