@doctor.siya: Period Myths 🤥 Explanations ⬇️ 1. There are many factors that can lead to a missed periods! Yes, pregnancy is one but it could also be due to stress, weight changes, excessive exercise, medical conditions, etc 2. Periods don't necessarily have to last for 7 days. It could be from 2 days up to a week. If you're having a heavy period or a prolonged one then please see your doctor. 3. Cycles generally last from 21 till 35 days and they are all normal! It doesn't have to be 28 days exact. If shorter or much longer then please consult with your doctor. 4. Little discomfort might be common but severe cramps should be investigated! If your periods is stopping you from doing your normal daily activities then please see your doctor! 5. Your liver and kidneys are there to detoxify your body! Periods are basically the shedding of the uterine lining (NOT toxins). 6. Virginity is about s*xual activity not tampons or pads! So no, tampons won't take your v1rg1nity! Share this video to raise awareness and educate 🙌🏼 #period #educate #myths #tiktokdoc #TikTokForGood #TikTok_Partner