
Chanda Pakpattani
Chanda Pakpattani
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Saturday 01 June 2024 06:35:00 GMT




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If you have an appetite for learning the things of God He will FILL you with knowledge!   I’ve noticed that there is a lot of people who claim to follow Jesus yet don’t even take the time to read there Bible..  but if you say you’re a Christian how can you live a God centered life without even knowing the way God wants us to live??     True some of you may have read the Bible through once or maybe you have a couple of times but Jesus says “if you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples“ see  the Bible  is the Living Word of God meaning there are things in the Bible that will only stand out to you at specific times in your life and that’s how no matter how many times you’ve read the Bible there is still more to learn..     I mean I’ve had verses that I’ve read dozens of times but it’s significants didn’t really stand out to me until I came to a certain point in my life and this will continue to happen God is constantly revealing things to those who seek him     Matthew 5:6 says “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled
If you have an appetite for learning the things of God He will FILL you with knowledge! I’ve noticed that there is a lot of people who claim to follow Jesus yet don’t even take the time to read there Bible.. but if you say you’re a Christian how can you live a God centered life without even knowing the way God wants us to live?? True some of you may have read the Bible through once or maybe you have a couple of times but Jesus says “if you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples“ see the Bible is the Living Word of God meaning there are things in the Bible that will only stand out to you at specific times in your life and that’s how no matter how many times you’ve read the Bible there is still more to learn.. I mean I’ve had verses that I’ve read dozens of times but it’s significants didn’t really stand out to me until I came to a certain point in my life and this will continue to happen God is constantly revealing things to those who seek him Matthew 5:6 says “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled" So if you have an appetite for learning the things of God he will fill you with knowledge.##seekyeefirstthekingdomofgod#readyourbible#readyourbiblekids#wordsofwisdom#wordsofknowlege#knowledge#trueknowledge#truewisdom#truewisdomisfromgod#wisdomfromabove#knowledgeoftheholyone#knowledgeispower#swordofthespirit#youneedtoreadthisbook#matthew5v6##jesusisgod#holyspiritofgod#jesusthesonofgod#jesusisthesonofgod#praisejesus#praisejesusforever#praisegod#praisethespiritthreeinone#triunegod#triune#onegod#monotheist#thelivinggod ##christiangirlsoftiktok#christiangirlsontiktok#christianinfluencers#christianwomenoftiktok#christianlady#christiantiktokpage#modestgirltiktok#modestgirlfashion#modestyisthebestpolicy#classygirltok#classywomanstyle#modestyisbeautiful#exmennonitetok#mennonitewoman#mennonitegirl#mennonitewoman#exmennonitegirls#proverbs31women#athiesm#athiestsoftiktok#athiesttiktok#athiesmalwaysfails#notanathiest#realreason#realreasonwhy#decronstructchristianity#deconstructing#deconstructionists#deconstructingfaith#deconstructingreligion#greatapostasy#faithnomore
This is your sign to get truly right with God it’s crazy the amount of people I see who claim to follow Jesus yet clearly reject his teachings by the way they live their life.    1 John 2:4 says If we say that we know Him, but do not obey his commands, we are liars    See, You can claim Jesus all you want but until your life imitates the life Jesus lived you are deceiving yourself.   Ephesians 5 “Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. we should imitate Jesus in the way we talk, the way we do business, in the clothes that we wear, in the things that we watch and listen to, and even in the things we do when no one is watching..   Now if you know that there is an area or many areas in you’re life where you do not directly resemble the character of Jesus Christ,  I strongly urge you to really study the gospels in the New Testament, fully familiarize yourself with Jesus’s character and then mirror His image as you go about your life..#getrightwithgod#getrightwithjesus#beforeitstoolate#endtimesarenear#turntogod#turntogodbeforeitstolate#imitategodscharacter#1john2v4#ephesians5##trinity#holytrinity#godisholy#jesusisgod#holyspiritofgod#jesusthesonofgod#jesusisthesonofgod#praisejesus#praisejesusforever#praisegod#praisethespiritthreeinone#triunegod#triune#onegod#monotheist#thelivinggod  #christiangirlsoftiktok#christiangirlsontiktok#christianinfluencers#christianwomenoftiktok#christianlady#christiantiktokpage#modestgirltiktok#modestgirlfashion#modestyisthebestpolicy#classygirltok#classywomanstyle#modestyisbeautiful#exmennonitetok#mennonitewoman#mennonitegirl#mennonitewoman#exmennonitegirls#proverbs31women#athiesm#athiestsoftiktok#athiesttiktok#athiesmalwaysfails#notanathiest#realreason#realreasonwhy#decronstructchristianity#deconstructing#deconstructionists#deconstructingfaith#deconstructingreligion#greatapostasy#faithnomore
This is your sign to get truly right with God it’s crazy the amount of people I see who claim to follow Jesus yet clearly reject his teachings by the way they live their life. 1 John 2:4 says If we say that we know Him, but do not obey his commands, we are liars See, You can claim Jesus all you want but until your life imitates the life Jesus lived you are deceiving yourself. Ephesians 5 “Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. we should imitate Jesus in the way we talk, the way we do business, in the clothes that we wear, in the things that we watch and listen to, and even in the things we do when no one is watching.. Now if you know that there is an area or many areas in you’re life where you do not directly resemble the character of Jesus Christ, I strongly urge you to really study the gospels in the New Testament, fully familiarize yourself with Jesus’s character and then mirror His image as you go about your life..#getrightwithgod#getrightwithjesus#beforeitstoolate#endtimesarenear#turntogod#turntogodbeforeitstolate#imitategodscharacter#1john2v4#ephesians5##trinity#holytrinity#godisholy#jesusisgod#holyspiritofgod#jesusthesonofgod#jesusisthesonofgod#praisejesus#praisejesusforever#praisegod#praisethespiritthreeinone#triunegod#triune#onegod#monotheist#thelivinggod #christiangirlsoftiktok#christiangirlsontiktok#christianinfluencers#christianwomenoftiktok#christianlady#christiantiktokpage#modestgirltiktok#modestgirlfashion#modestyisthebestpolicy#classygirltok#classywomanstyle#modestyisbeautiful#exmennonitetok#mennonitewoman#mennonitegirl#mennonitewoman#exmennonitegirls#proverbs31women#athiesm#athiestsoftiktok#athiesttiktok#athiesmalwaysfails#notanathiest#realreason#realreasonwhy#decronstructchristianity#deconstructing#deconstructionists#deconstructingfaith#deconstructingreligion#greatapostasy#faithnomore
