@keeperstop: Black Beast Review ⚫🔥 Some gloves are amazing but the durability on the T1tan Black Beast 3.0 is unreal! 🤯 Here are a few of the best clips from our training session a few weeks ago where Caroline got to train with the gloves and tell us how she felt about them. 🦾😎 This glove has no finger protection and features The Mechano 2.0 with its backhand that is extremely breathable and even the toughest fights for the ball feel light as a feather. This glove performs very well in dry conditions. ✅ If you want these beast gloves you can check them out at keeperstop dot com. #goalkeepergloves #soccergirl #goalkeeper #Soccer #t1tan #review #futbol #portero #portera #entrenamiento #guantesdeportero #keeperstop @carolinecohenn @Ellie @T1TAN