@fallon_boerboels: Replying to @the_mack_daddy The majority of my dog training uses positve reinforcement. I am proudly a fair and balanced trainer, using all four quadrants as needed. I own a large, powerful breed and it would be irresponsible of me to not have the proper tools to control my dogs safely. Say what you want about aversives in dog training, I am conifdent in my choices. My dogs are happy and healthy. All of these behaviors in this video were taught using positive reinforcement. Having tools on a dog, like you saw in the video where you left this comment, doesn’t mean you’re necessarily using them. They are there as a back up plan if our obedience fails. I AM a good trainer and people like you give the force free community a bad name. If force free works for you and your dog, I love that for you. Maybe stop judging others for the choices they make to keep their dogs and the people/animals around them safe. #DogTraining #balancedtraining #dog #bigdog #boerboel #workingdog #protectiondog #goodboy #mydog #southafricanboerboel #happydog #healthydog #happyboy #myboy #ilovemydog #heel