@thecrazycreativeteacher: I know I can’t control how others react, but what would you do in this situation? Is it even a situation, or all made up in our heads???
I would rather someone change seats than to stay and stare.
2024-06-03 03:56:56
Vickie Peaks-Rabovsk :
Moving seats might be a weak stomach, my husband was facing a woman with a freshly amputated arm and we had to trade seats it really bothered him. Now staring is wrong!
2024-06-03 05:21:49
MadMadamMim :
I’m so sorry you all are dealing with this. I completely understand why you felt the way you did and your feelings are definitely valid. I can say that I personally might have asked to move so that I
2024-06-03 03:54:55
Kristen bursey :
And it makes me so upset because kids sometimes come up to me, but they don’t know the difference
2024-07-12 15:47:23
caitie.gibson7 :
I stare back at people
2024-06-16 06:04:19
Lisa MAHAN :
You can’t fix other people’s rudeness so just be happy and move on.
2024-06-17 00:41:48
beckyjackson185 :
2024-06-10 23:40:19
HK Johnson :
“Do you have any questions I could help answer?” And in extra inappropriate situations add… “I assume that’s why you’re staring.”
2024-06-02 21:16:41
Yaya 💙 🆘 🇺🇸 :
Personally, I get irritated at restaurants when half the place is empty and they seat me (as a solo) right next to another party. Somedays I just want my quiet bubble to read or scroll in peace.
2024-06-02 22:48:18
AndreaShazam :
Don’t allow other people’s negativity invade your mind space. Concentrate on your little slice of heaven. 💜
2024-06-03 01:14:18
💙 CLB 🆘 🇺🇸 :
I don’t think you’re overthinking it. I think some people just have zero manners.
2024-06-02 21:01:24
Rushian :
She absolutely moved because it was distracting her. She was probably trying not to look, but also intensely curious what was going on with her.
2024-06-03 02:28:51
RaeLVic :
Your feelings are valid You have these feelings because you don’t want these people staring to affect your daughters confidence just remind her that she’s beautiful and they don’t know her story.
2024-06-06 12:26:45
Forest_Girl :
I trust your instincts. Some people have no empathy. 😢 It’s sad.
2024-06-02 21:54:17
Fydlstyx :
Maybe there's some trauma in her past, with a family member, or something, and she was triggered?
2024-06-03 14:45:49
Holly Gilboy :
did your daughter notice? if not just ignore it and live your life. don't worry about what other people think
2024-06-03 09:32:20
user71162955953305 :
love the comments. probably not overthinking there's a lot to be said for intuition.. however it's her issue not yours not Kennedy's.
2024-06-16 08:13:13
user788386988597 :
She could have been a person with mental disabilities and not realize she made your family uncomfortable.
2024-06-15 23:27:28
Maygen Mcclister :
I would just wave at them
2024-06-13 01:39:24
blawlor08 :
forget other people. as you said Kennedy and your husband is your universe. enjoy your universe.
2024-06-06 23:16:19
Kari :
I once asked to be reseated because it bothered me to be facing a handicapped person that was constantly drooling
2024-06-03 23:39:24
Julie :
People are so rude, she probably did move because of that. How sad people don’t know how to act like mature people.
2024-06-06 19:17:43
JerseyDae :
Some people cannot deal with seeing any type of wound, blood, body fluids, etc. If they need to move to have a pleasant dining experience, it shouldn’t bother you. Staring is different
2024-06-03 15:15:14
Tammy Brooks560 :
I have always been obese and adults would make comments all the time when I was younger and out with family. Definitely never say anything to the person. I wish my family would have taught
2024-06-02 23:53:07
Çïćĩľÿñńņ :
As strong as your kid and any other kids that go through life changing things like that♥️god bless you! You are a very good mother and I know your daughter is very proud and lucky to have you🥺🤩
2024-06-02 21:05:45
Handled that situation so calmly. Kennedy is an amazing soul. She reminds me of my daughter. I am following her story and my daughter too. We love you guys.
2024-06-02 21:05:03
Çïćĩľÿñńņ :
Personally I think kids like her should be the center of the universe because she’s very strong and has endured a lot and also has to go throw looking differently than what she used to and people like
2024-06-02 21:04:02
Lynn :
you have no idea what was going on for this woman. doesn’t sound like she really made a scene either. I suggest u just ignore it and stop thinking everything‘s about you or your daughter. wish u well
2024-06-26 01:10:42
vickimclean775 :
My baby sister had spina bifida and there were always people who stared at her, best to just smile at them and ignore their ignorance. Or if given the opportunity educate them on her situation
2024-06-17 00:44:23
C. K. :
Possibly she had some experience in her past and it was a trigger for a bad memory. However, I like to remind myself, I can’t control other people’s reactions, only mine. You handled it perfectly
2024-06-16 14:19:33
Kbelle :
My mom was the sweetest, kindest, person in the world but she would have moved because things like that really bothered her. Staring is rude but you may embaress Kennedy if you say anything.
2024-06-15 02:02:11
Amber 🆘 🇺🇸 💙 :
It’s shitty but for your own self you gotta let it go. People suck sometimes.
2024-06-10 23:50:10
barbaracopeland42 :
No I’m sure you are right. Unless Kennedy notices it, I wouldn’t draw attention to it. But later I might say something to her and say honey sometimes people might stare but don’t let it bother you.
2024-06-06 18:08:43
Leslie Conner507 :
Even if she moved because of your kid, that’s on HER, please don’t dare let her hateful judgement hurt your heart! All that matters is the amazing LOVE and support your child feels from both parents🥰
2024-06-03 03:43:09
Soma Good :
Her asking to move whatever the reason is not problematic. And her reason is not really any of your business. The staring is though and I’m not sure what I would do
2024-06-03 00:35:58
Arta Giles :
No, this is quite common. I’ve been disabled since childhood and I still get random looks and comments that are inappropriate even as an adult from other adults.
2024-06-02 21:05:12
Sarah Louise 🩷💜 :
ik this my son wears a splint due to cerable palsy n I get funny looks off grown adults and whispering ect
2024-06-07 12:30:21
Lillianstreet129 :
I’m someone who will look at something
2024-06-03 02:12:59
carolannrenzland :
totally forget it!!!! in the grand scheme of things, it's nothing!!! stay happy
2024-06-03 17:04:01
Counting Bears Farm :
I don’t have much advice on how to handle rude people in public because I usually say nothing or go way over but you are very valid in your feelings and you both are being great parents and partners
2024-06-02 23:27:08
Deb :
If they are not important in your life. Ignore them. 🙏💜🦋
2024-06-03 21:25:14
Brenda BAUMAN :
I am so sorry your beautiful daughter and family are going thru this. I pray for healing and strength.
2024-06-03 15:27:50
Kaitlyn Walker :
I’m in raged for you mama. I would have went back on and sat right next to her and stared into her soul until she got up.
2024-06-03 01:11:03
Molly H :
The more you talked the more angry I got 😂
2024-06-02 21:30:42
Lilly Cvetovac239 :
Just ignore it
2024-06-03 14:27:40
Heavens hellion :
I’d stare just because it’s not often I get to see a super hero in person.
2024-06-03 03:23:34
gingersnaps! :
My daughter had a large hemangioma (red raised birthmark) on her forehead as a baby. The stares and even the comments were awful. Wish I had advice.
2024-06-03 03:06:20
Sarah Ihnen Quade :
My brother is blind & autistic so the stares are normal at this point. I have learned to ignore.
2024-06-03 02:18:08
Ashley Nicole :
When my son has a helmet for his head someone lady was making fun of him and keep looking and I said take a picture it last longer
2024-06-03 01:37:08
Jill Myers :
Awww! I'm so happy that you got to go to lunch together. 💜🥰 I wonder if she moved because she is weak in the stomach or possibly triggered? I'm so sorry that adults are hard, even on kids. 1/2
2024-06-02 21:37:11
Kat :
You can’t control what other people do. Keep living your life and ignore them.
2024-06-15 15:38:26
🍁 :
What helps me with these types of situations is, knowing I have no control over what anyone does or says. Put your focus on you and your beautiful family and don’t give these people your energy. 🥰
2024-06-06 00:56:02
ando :
Ignore her and keep on keeping on. You are strong
2024-06-05 23:02:06
Laurie Luchies James :
sounds like a her problem - don't let people ruin your day ❤
2024-06-05 22:09:44
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