@beyondbeautifull: My mother abused me my whole life, and is now suing me to see my children. I’m fed up! UPDATE Subreddit: r/TrueOffMyChest Posted by: u/Ok-Investigator_6011 #fyp #redditstories #redditreadings #BlackTikTok #reddit #foryoupage #aita #blacktiktokcommunity #foryou #beyondbeautifull
It’s insane when people fight you for access to YOUR children like bro..
2024-06-03 21:06:31
Elizabeth Máximo :
THIS, THIS is why children go N.C with their parents.
2024-06-04 01:50:42
Rae :
1. I cut contact with my mother 3 years ago and I no longer have my siblings or dad because they sided with her (like they always do) BUT they all tried to gaslight me into letting her see my oldest
2024-06-04 04:33:36
Cronk Pull The Lever! :
Mad respect to this person and their family!!!! We need more people breaking these cycles of generational abuse and I wish them nothing but the best.
2024-06-04 02:16:16
Victoria wood🏝️ :
I’m so glad he got to talk to a lawyer. I pray she just leaves his family alone
2024-06-03 20:40:25
Desiree’ :
Hoarding of house cats is sooo specific though lol
2024-06-03 22:41:33
shmeshica_c 🏳️🌈🥔🥒 :
This is how generational trauma starts. Hiding the mental health struggles of family members is soo toxic, I’m so glad OP is breaking the cycle 💙💙
2024-06-03 22:55:15
michelleg902 :
a friend's m-i-l filed for grandparents rights...simply because they asked her to come to their house vs the parents doing all the running 🙄 the court approved it but made grandma go to them anyway😂
2024-06-03 22:54:27
Melinda :
Op I’ll say it again, you are a survivor! Im so proud you took your power back. Your wife and children are the only family you need🥰🥰
2024-06-03 23:50:14
Josie Luebbert :
This is such a good writer too. I admire her strength so much.
2024-06-03 20:40:02
Cottagejo :
I’m so happy that he’s finally free of her. Maybe not 💯 but enough that he’s taken back control of his own life. Much love to him and his family!
2024-06-03 21:29:41
martin19762004 :
Restraining orders are very difficult to acquire. Even if someone is beating you in the street with witnesses it's not always granted. It's crazy.
2024-06-04 04:28:31
Marii🫶🏾✨ :
The way everyone says that about my dad…”that’s just how he is”
2024-06-04 02:31:09
Jen/Acyd/Ace :
if it does go to court OP should see if he can get a copy of Mother's statement in her court hearing of her saying custodial parents should have the right to choose who their kids are around and have
2024-08-23 03:33:21
Annie :
I filed for a restraining order against my ex husband. The Judge called a recess to deliberate. The Bailiff had to tell my ex to get away from me & stop talking. He didn't do either. The Judge said he
2024-07-16 06:42:41
Elerra Games :
Im sad that it went this way for OP, but soooo proud! I had to cut off family for toxic reasons n never went back, barely speaking to the slim few, and im happier now than ever thanks to it. —
2024-06-04 17:45:30
Libby Rasco :
as soon as I was away from her as a teen, I'd cut all ties. ppl need to realize, family or not. cut them off!
2024-06-03 23:00:41
Irene :
Ops family needs to read the rock the boat post on reddit😳
2024-06-07 00:19:49
Samantha Reynolds626 :
all he needs is for her to back off for a while 6 months to a year and she starts to lose precedent. by the time she filed and got a court date be a year or more without visits or a relationship. 1
2024-06-06 03:13:45
Pandora’s little box :
I like this man.. kudos to him❣️
2024-06-03 20:54:40
Han :
way to go OP!! We're so proud of you 🥰
2024-06-03 21:55:57
Lovingme❣️7! :
I love you chica!
2024-06-05 18:29:05
YoItsMaraAgain :
OP is a better person than me. They really have a good heart.
2024-06-04 00:42:11
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