@zaeshahudson: All throughout the Word, we see the importance of remaining blameless before the Lord. That same precept must be embedded in our marriages as well. This is a strategic move for the enemy because he knows that if we are found guilty before the Lord, it can bring separation. If our marriages are examples on the Earth of God’s convenant with us, what other way to bring a breaking of that seal than to sow the same seeds of discord in our convenants? We have to remember to practice strategy and not feed into the symptoms of the enemy’s opposition. #marriage #marriedlife #marriagetok #godlymarriage #godlymarriages #christianmarriagetips #God #godisgood #timewithgod #walkwithgod #motivation #encouragement #faithcommunity #faithbased #spiritualjourney #intimacywithgod #intimacywithjesus #jesusislove #prayerlife #prayer #womanofgod #purpose