@lavaproductsofficial: Summer is here and so is the heat! summer heat can be brutal and I don't know about you, but I don't like to be hot in my house! this summer I will be staying cool by keeping all of my cold air in with Alien Draft Seal. Alien Draft Seal is a flexible rubber strip that sticks to your door and seals any gaps where tour cold air is escaping! by keeping your cold air in your house, your air-conditioning should work less, lowering your energy bills! not only are you staying comfortable, you are saving money! check it out for yourself at this link and get you Alien Draft Seal today! #aliendraftseal #keepyourhousecool #coldhouse #saveonenergybills #lowerenergybills #loweryourbills #loweryourexpenses #summerhacks #Summer #airconditioning #hot #heat #savemoney #savemoneytips #TikTokShop