@tinyheartseducation: No popcorn under 5 years of age ❌ Aspiration is when something enters the lungs that shouldn’t It affects the oxygen and causes damage to the lungs Popcorn is a common culprit of aspiration. Its oddly shaped, the kernels make it hard to chew and its lightweight so can be inhaled easily into the lungs. Other common things a child will aspirate on is a similar list to the top choking hazards. Think anything that’s difficult for a little to safely chew and swallow: 🥕Raw carrot 🍎Raw apple 🍘Chips or crackers 🍬Hard lollies 🌱Seeds 🥜Nuts A child who shows signs of respiratory distress after a mild choking incident or after eating or drinking including: 🫁Increased respiratory effort or rate 🫁continuous coughing 🫁wheezing 🫁whistling sound when breathing = get an assessed by a doctor. If showing signs of moderate or severe respiratory distress = call an ambulance Learn all about red flags in children, choking treatment and respiratory distress in our iconic baby and child first aid course ❤️