@the.og.christmasaccount: Over 1000 followers!! Thank you ao much 🥰 im sk happy that their are others out there that love christmas as much as me ❤️ every day is christmas on this account. Please continue to like, repost and favourite my videos so we can build our Christmas community 🎅🏼🎄 can we make it to 2000 folowers?? hit all the buttons guys!!! Again, thank tou so much. I adore you all 🥰 #MemeCut POV:: You’re a kid again and this comes on fhe TV at christmas 🥰🎄🎅🏼 christmas #christmastree #christmastiktok #christmastime #holidays #tistheseason #fy #fyp #christmasseason #countdowntochristmas #countdown #christmasdecor #cosyvibes #cosychristmas #christmasideas#christmasvibes #christmasdecorating #christmasdecor #cheistmasdecoration #foryou #foryoupage #christmastrend #trends #trending #christmasnostalgic #christmasnostalgia #elf #followtrain #christmasmemories #christmasmarket #christmastiktok #christmastok #xmas #christmasvibes #christmas2024 #christmascrafts #christmasbaking #followtrain #roadto100k #roadto10k #roadto2k #MemeCut #Meme #MemeCut