@dragonmirefarm: Pearl is a special gecko. She needs help shedding every time she sheds. If we don't take it off for her, it just stays on her and she will get layers of shed. So, every time she needs to shed, the kids take turns helping her. I start at her eyes and then hand her to the kids. I love that the kids are literally so hands on with all of their pets and our rescues. Pearl will be staying with us, she won't be adopted out because of her needs, and the kids are quite ok with that! Here's Piper helping Pearl ❤️❤️❤️ Ignore Peaches in the background. Cockatoo being cockatoo 😂😂😂 #gecko #geckolove #leopardgecko #reptiles #reptilelover #reptilekeeper #reptile #rescueanimals #rescue #herpetology #kidshelping #kids #helpingothers #pet #exoticpets #ExoticAnimalCare #exoticanimals #petcare