@projectparenthood_: Poor husband is probably scared to say a word now 🤣kidding! 🤣 I love you babe…I see you loving all the extra cushion 🍞 🤣😉 The other day my 3 year old squeezed my thighs and said “Mommy your legs are big and squishy…sooo squishy.” Kids always know exactly how to humble us haha🥴🤣 This pregnancy I have really been retaining a lot of fluid in my glutes and thighs…so my legs aren’t very smooth anymore 😭 instead they’re full of cellulite 😩. For the first time I must admit, i’m a little self conscious.🤰🏽 Every woman gains weight differently during pregnancy. If you’ve been pregnant, where did you notice the weight gain mainly shifted to? . . . #pregnancy #pregnant #33weeks #momcontent #momcreator #momhumor #pregnancyhumor #relatablemom #relatablepregnancy