@arod.princessvibes: 🎂 Happy Birthday Mom 🎉 I had to post it at Midnight Exactly!! Its your Day and its on a Friday. I hope your ready to Turn up my Angel,grandma is looking down at you just so proud of you and how beautiful,independent and loving you are! You are the most amazing mom, grandma, sister and daughter We are all so blessed to have you! Your my best friend and partner in crime. My true #Twin Im so Blessed to call you my mom. Its time to celebrate my girl Lets #TurnUp #ItsOnAFriday #MommiesGirl #BestFriend #Birthday #June7 #MyBirthdayGirl #PumpkinLovesHerMama #MyDorothy #MySugarBoots #aintnomountainhighenough #illdoanythingforyou #MyWorld #HAPPYBIRTHDAYMOM 🤎🤍🩶❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ This is My Grandma & My mom! #keepingupwithamanda #carolscorner @Lisa Munoz