@firhan_ashari: SAMBAL IKAN ASIN SEPAT🌶️ menu yg wajib banget di makan pake nasi😍 agak sedih gua adegan makannya kehapus🥲 🔽RESEP🔽 SEPAT SAMBAL BAHAN: 250 gr ikan sepat asin 40 gr gula merah 1 sdt penyedap ¼ sdt garam BUMBU SAMBAL: 40 buah cabe merah keriting 15 butir rawit 12 butir bawang merah 8 butir bawang putih ½ buah tomat

Open In TikTok:
Region: ID
Friday 07 June 2024 06:44:55 GMT




peetama bng slm dri malaysia, simpan dulu nnt bikinnya kemudia😅
2024-06-07 06:47:51
GranMummyArickhyraaa :
🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰TerrrBaaaiiikkk Sgt Bestieee GranMummy Sukaaa Bangeeetttt🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
2024-06-09 15:59:35
031203 :
2024-06-26 23:37:04
@icha embem ♊ 69 :
2024-06-14 14:04:27
Sagi :
klo mkn ati² kak durinya byk
2024-06-24 02:05:44
Rawiyah Rawiyah :
kak Ada resepi sotong Pete kak
2024-06-08 08:42:49
— zׁׅ֬ɑׁׅɑׁׅrɑׁׅ🎧 :
ikan sepat ikan tongkol
2024-06-07 06:58:42
Chrisna Dc,🔴❤️❤️❤️🫶 :
bener masak apa pun harus berani masuk bahan biar rasnya waooooo....
2024-06-07 09:09:48
mey 37 :
ikan sepat tulangnya suka kena lidah ga berani aku makan ikan sepat
2024-06-08 12:52:00
faizftalokk :
nanti suru ibu ah masak 😁
2024-06-07 06:56:00
ilahpanca12 :
itu trasi apa asam jawa bang
2024-06-08 06:01:45
nining :
Bikin berselera ikan asin memang enak bikin makan banyak pastinya kak👍👍👍🥰
2024-06-07 06:52:28
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Other Videos

~ Catholic Veiling ~ I know this can be a very personal decision, and that not all women feel comfortable veiling. It can be very difficult to do, especially if you are the only woman in your parish wearing a veil. But, if you’re seeing this, maybe it’s your sign. 💕 What is the Purpose of Veiling? In the early Catholic tradition, veiling was a reminder of the spousal relationship between Christ and the Church. The Catholic veil is also a reminder of the sanctity and dignity of women. The Catholic chapel veil is used to cover something that we consider sacred. Meaning, the veil’s purpose is to protect something that is cherished, respected, and adored. If you notice, it’s not only women being veiled. We Catholics also veil the altar and tabernacle that houses our Lord. The chalice, which contains our Lord’s blood, is also veiled. We put veils on things that we recognize as worthy of protection because they are holy and life flows from them. Today, we consider the use of the veil not only a visible act of modesty and humility. But also as a sign of reverence and surrender to God’s will. Donning a chapel veil is a visual statement and a public proclamation before the Lord that He is the Lord and that we love Him, and that we are ready to obey Him. Some women say that with a veil on, they feel more humbled and reverent. It’s just like when you remove a hat during the national anthem. Others share that it enables them to experience “authentic femininity,” as shown by the Blessed Virgin. Personally, I veil for all these reasons, but mostly out of reverence for Jesus truly present - Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity - in the Holy Eucharist. . . . . . #catholicism #catholicchurch #virginmary #virgenmaria #catolicos #catholic #catholicmom #mothermary
~ Catholic Veiling ~ I know this can be a very personal decision, and that not all women feel comfortable veiling. It can be very difficult to do, especially if you are the only woman in your parish wearing a veil. But, if you’re seeing this, maybe it’s your sign. 💕 What is the Purpose of Veiling? In the early Catholic tradition, veiling was a reminder of the spousal relationship between Christ and the Church. The Catholic veil is also a reminder of the sanctity and dignity of women. The Catholic chapel veil is used to cover something that we consider sacred. Meaning, the veil’s purpose is to protect something that is cherished, respected, and adored. If you notice, it’s not only women being veiled. We Catholics also veil the altar and tabernacle that houses our Lord. The chalice, which contains our Lord’s blood, is also veiled. We put veils on things that we recognize as worthy of protection because they are holy and life flows from them. Today, we consider the use of the veil not only a visible act of modesty and humility. But also as a sign of reverence and surrender to God’s will. Donning a chapel veil is a visual statement and a public proclamation before the Lord that He is the Lord and that we love Him, and that we are ready to obey Him. Some women say that with a veil on, they feel more humbled and reverent. It’s just like when you remove a hat during the national anthem. Others share that it enables them to experience “authentic femininity,” as shown by the Blessed Virgin. Personally, I veil for all these reasons, but mostly out of reverence for Jesus truly present - Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity - in the Holy Eucharist. . . . . . #catholicism #catholicchurch #virginmary #virgenmaria #catolicos #catholic #catholicmom #mothermary
