@threadtalkpodcast: I found out I will have no claim on our martial home… #r#reddita#aitat#tifur#redditstoryr#redditstoriest#threadtalkt#threadtalkpodcastp#podcastredditreadings
So she was already not working and living off child support when they met so why wouldn't he protect his largest asset going into a marriage with her
2024-06-09 18:32:52
Julie Zitting :
Get a $1 million life Insurance policy on him it goes to you if he dies.
2024-06-09 17:15:30
kika41 :
If they have a prenup, and agreed the house is from his money it doesn't matter who bought the house. so why is she surprised?
2024-06-09 17:14:03
cynicalbrunette6 :
Review the prenup, insist a clause that states you get a separate savings account and a minimum amount goes into it every month from him, if in the event something happens it’s solely yours
2024-06-09 17:31:47
jess :
it is weird that it needs to be in his dad's name. if its already in the prenup, why is he taking these extra steps.
2024-06-09 17:44:26
toni_to_tiger :
She agreed in the prenup that the soon to be homeownership was his, so why did she think after they got married she would own part of it? That’s protection if divorced. His will can reflect that
2024-08-05 22:44:49
HeatherAnn :
No claim, then put in prenuptial you get cash equivalent to half the home.
2024-08-22 02:31:12
jefferyedwards65 :
I mean the dad I’m sure was going to pass the house down to his son no matter what ash’s if you signed a prenup then it means if “both of you” didn’t earn it while married then it’s not hers.
2024-08-24 14:56:02
DidaSlp :
please have someone else read these.
2024-06-12 15:56:08
user2816111606239 :
Get a good lawyer and redo the prenup. Make sure there is a payout for shared assets. Bonus payout for cheating.
2024-06-11 20:36:01
Fairy Prairie Farm :
She needs to require a separate checking account to be in her name only regardless of the prenup, but have it listed. They both have a right to be protected.
2024-06-10 14:02:29
Fred :
You agreed it was from his assets that he had saved before you meet !!!
2024-07-01 23:32:34
joopxiv :
2024-06-10 08:04:25
Good for the guy. As he should. She brings nothing into the relationship.
2024-06-09 17:10:23
Feline Furcrew Rescue, Inc. :
red flag, leave
2024-06-09 17:16:25
krissyzimmermann :
Sounds like he has very good reason to be cautious.
2024-06-09 17:18:07
cjw :
she finds every excuse not to work and is surprised?
2024-06-09 17:30:30
user6734616724189 :
Previously living off of the last victim, worried that new victim isn’t cooperating
2024-06-09 17:18:17
Shannanaghans :
Good for him. She’s a scammer.
2024-06-09 17:20:27
shellykig :
nah she's suspicious.
2024-06-09 17:22:04
mykie2407 :
I’m surprised by some of these comments. I guess we need more info. But in my opinion, her “job” is staying at home to take care of kids and home which is a monumental job within itself.
2024-06-09 18:45:31
Midnight Sky :
They only read the stories but don't give advice.
2024-06-13 10:41:28
user1980213490592 :
Girl you need to go back to work to secure your future. Let him hire a nanny or pay you to the jobs b
2024-06-10 02:44:29
silleegoosee13 :
so is she already planning to get divorced? weird thing to be concerned about. 🚩
2024-06-11 14:05:28
user8091622827453 :
She sounds like all she cares about is the house and money.
2024-06-09 21:53:21
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