@j.t.odonnell: Replying to @user4356922014562 HOW LINKEDIN’S ALGORITHM CHANGE IMPACTS YOU!!! 🖥️🖥️🖥️🖥️🖥️🖥️🖥️. I have been telling people for a while now that the algorithm change Linkedin put in place last year is dramatically changing how you get found on the platform. That’s why, for a lot of people who keep reposting other peoples content and just commenting aren’t seeing the results they used to. In this video, explain why you have to create original content and put it in your feet as for Linkedin to be able to understand who you are as a professional. The good news is it will dramatically increase your visibility and you’ll get better opportunities coming your way. I’ll be teaching a class on this this week. You will find the link here sign up even if you can’t attend live. I will send you the recording. https://workitdaily.lpages.co/expertise-unleashed-waitlist/ #linkedin #algorithm #algorrithmchange #linkedintipsandtricks #linkedintips #job #career #jobseeker #jobsearch #careeradvice #2024 #recruiter