@coachbells: Is stress and anxiety something that often leaves you skipping meals and not being able to eat? LIKE❤️ and SAVE 💌 this post to learn ways to help overcome these triggers so you can start eating more and feeling better 💫 The NUMBER one mindset shift that helped me push through on days where anxieties were high was telling myself IM STILL WORTHY. 🤍 Even though I’m stressed, even though I’m anxious. I’m still worthy of showing up for myself. That means not letting my mood get In between my goals all the time and feel hopeless about it. 🤝 I started to be intentional about finding things that helped manage my anxiety and stress better. Even if these things didn’t ‘fix’ the problems, they helped my being my body back to a calm state where I could atleast eat something rather than skipping more meals 🪷 I’m on a mission to help more women around the world eat more, feel better! Comment ‘EAT’ to find out more about our 1:1 coaching ventures around building your appetite and improving your relationship with food 🏆 • #weightgain #weightgainmeals #weightgainer #weightgaintips #weightgainfood #appetite #eatmore #onlinecoach #onlinecoachingfitnessplan #anxietyproblems #managingstress