@officialchristiantv: Prayer to be divinely protected from witchcraft attack. Prayer against witchcraft attack. Prayer against witchcraft charge. Prayer to be untouchable to witchcraft powers. As you make this spiritual warfare prayer declaration, your life shall be a no-go area to agents of darkness, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord shall defend His interest in your life and you shall be divinely connected to God's covenant of divine protection, in the name of Jesus. #spiritualwarfareprayers #officialchristiantvprayers #prayeragainstwitchcraftcovens #prayeragainstwitchcraft #prayeragainstwitchcraftattack #deliverancefromwitchcraftattack #prayeragainstsatanicwarfare #prayerfordivineprotectionfromwitchcraftpowers #deliverancefromfwitchcrafttouch #prayertojudgewitchcraftcovens #prayeragainstwitchcraftwarfare #judgementfireofGod #prayeragainstcovenattack #deliveranceprayers #officialchristiantv #prayer #deliveranceprayer #tiktokprayer #christianprayer #justforyou #prayers #praying #touchnotmyanointed